Good luck charm ~ Harry Potter

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The weather was chilly, your fingertips are mini icicles, your heart pumping the only assurance that you were still alive. Your feet were so numb that if you were to take one step you were sure your foot would crack and break off. There would only be one reason you would be outside in this temperature, atop the Gryffindor quidditch pitch stands. Your boyfriend of three years whom you love deeply, the chosen one himself.

"Come on Harry!" Your shared best friend, Hermione Granger shouts beside you. 

"Go! Go! Gryffindor!" Your fellow housemates roar out in an echo, The opposing team (Ravenclaw) cries out louder in an attempt to compete for the show of support. You roll your eyes, you and Hermione share a 'done' look then proceed to shout even louder. "Go, Harry!" 

A sudden gust of wind makes you shiver where you stand, you blink away the dryness that it gave your eyes and take notice that the 'gust of wind' was actually your boyfriend racing for the golden snitch. You and Hermione squeal excitedly, "He's almost got it!" She squeezes the life out of your arm. 

"Let's go, baby, you've got this." You whisper to yourself. The Ravenclaw seeker is half a foot to the flash flying snitch, you grit your teeth cringing half expecting her to catch it. Harry gains speed against the other girl and almost crashes into the Ravenclaw stand tower. He soars upwards where the snitch paused above him and left the seeker to fall into the grass. It wasn't a brutal fall, she'd leave the pitch with more than a few bruises though that's for sure. At least it wasn't Harry is all you thought. 

He was so close just one more inch... and nope. It flew into the middle of the game. "This is getting a bit annoying." Hermione huffs, "It's right bloody there, and then poof it's gone!" 

"I'm telling you the snitch has a mind of its own," You shake your head smiling.

"As if it's not just a round piece of metal." She glares ahead. Your smile widens at her frustration even though it's understandable, for now, Gryffindor is in the lead. If Harry caught the snitch before the Ravenclaw team matched or exceeded the points that your team has, Gryffindors would win. 

You felt anxious as there was another close call. The quaffle flew right by Harry and the other teams beater was about to swing their bat at Harrys face. "This game is going to kill me." Hermione catches your eye and her eyebrows furrow in worry. 

"To your right!" She screams, "Harry bloody Potter! To your right!" She tries to inform him of the snitch but to no avail, his attention was to the left where the snitch was once hovering.

You hoped he would look over to where you were standing so that you and Hermione could point him in the right direction. The boy was clueless, flying about searching for the gold.  At this point neither you nor Hermione could see where the snitch disappeared to. He flew upwards into the clouds. 

"I always hate it when he goes up there." You grumble.

"He'll be fine, it's not like last time." She mentioned the incident from your 3rd year and the entire wizarding world was looking for Sirius Black. Dementors were in the sky and he came tumbling down from an attack. 

This time he wasn't falling but flying straight down with the snitch in his hand, he ended the game.  


"I say this is a cause for celebration!" George pronounces. The house quakes with the cheers of Gryffindors. 

"Why don't we go somewhere a little quieter?" Harry tells you in your ear. You nod desperately trying to get some air from all the high running energy in the common room. 

You lead him to your shared dorm with Hermione, Parvarti Patil, and Lavender Brown all of whom you made sure were downstairs. You locked the door from the inside and turned around only to be pounced on by your blue-eyed champion. He gripped your face with a balance of softness and desperation.

"Someone's eager-" You smiled into the kiss. 

He shook his head, "I just want you."

"You have me" You spoke quizzically. He moved his hands from your face to intertwine his hands with yours. 

"I want to be close with you."

"You're not making any sense," You admit your confusion.

"My life doesn't make any sense, but you do. You being in my life is the only thing that makes sense. We won that match today because of you." He kissed the tip of your nose.

"Harry, Did you drink any more of that liquid luck? 'Cause you sound exactly like when you drank it." You search his eyes for any evidence.  

"I'm just happy, love. Everything we have been through an what we have yet to go through, I'm happy its with you."

"We've been dating for three years, I would hope your happy with me. Just don't let Ron hear you or he'd have a fit."

"Hear what? that you're my good luck charm?" 

You shake your head and smile once again as you lean close and wrap your arms around his neck, you peck his lips between every word. "I'm" Peck "so" peck "proud" peck "of "peck "you."

"If this is what happens every time I win a match then I'm all for it." You roll your eyes before kissing him one last time.

"I just want you to know that you won today not because of me but because you are an amazing quidditch player." 

In one quick movement he wraps his arms around you and squeezes you into a tight hug. "I love you," He whispers into your hair. 

"I love you too." You both stayed wrapped in each other for a good minute before he let you go. 

"Now let's go join the party before Hermione drags us down there herself." You mumble a quick 'alohomora' before grabbing his hand and walking down the steps to the common room. "Also, other than me Hermione might be your biggest supporter. You should've heard her yelling the entire time, almost burst my eardrums." 

He chuckles at your words as you step into the room filled with music. 

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