" My name is Jess fisher. I a recent single divorced working new mom." Jess was muslin. She had on a tan jacket. Blue eyes with a pair of jeans to match. " Well my name is Hannah key. I a step mother of three. With one on the way." Hannah looked to be due any day now. She had on a pink maternity dress. Her ginger hair was in a mess bun. Wearing black yoga pants.

Ok Y/N, you got this. " My name is Y/N L/N. I a single working mom of one." " Wait hold on. Y/N. Wasn't your son just on the news recently" said Whitney. " Yeah, something about a daycare incident right?" Said Hannah. I frozen. This was going great. " You must be mistaking me. I not the woman from the news." " But you match her completely. Both name and description." No point in hiding now. I remove my sunglasses. All the moms in the room were shocked. " So, it really is you" said Jess. " Unfortunately yes." " What do mean unfortunately? Has this fame of yours, been causing problems" said Doctor Listmine.

Looks like we're starting with me. " Yes it has." " What kind of problems?" " Well, every since the news got a hold of what happened at my son school. I been getting this feeling of pressure. That I'm everything I doing is wrong. And that I failing as a mother for him. It even effecting the way I parent. I losing my temper at him. I haven't bond with him like before. I had a fight with my brother. And we never fight much. Especially at the level we had. All I read is parenting book now. I lost so much sleep. Went ever I with other parents. I feel like I stick out. My brother thinks that I might have postpartum. There probably more. But these are the ones that stick out. It keep getting worse every day. And I just want it to end." Tears started coming down my face. Jess came over to hug me. " You are not alone." Surprising by this. All I could mutter was, " Thank you."

She seat back down. " From what you described. I think your brother might be right. However, since your son is adopted. You might instead have postpartum adoption" said Doctor Listmine. " What that?" Said Hannah. " It very similar to postpartum depression. But for mothers who adopted." " I actually went though same thing for my second" said Whitney.

" Wait, you adopted a child." " Yeah I did. I have a few relatives of my own that were adopted. So I pretty familiar." " Really, I never met another parent who chose to adopt. I though/felt that I was the only one." I guess I don't feel so alone anymore. " Unfortunately, thinking that your the own one. Is a very common things that comes with many mental illnesses" Doctor Listmine said. " Guess your right, but it should felt go to get that off my chest."

Suddenly screaming was heard. I immediately jumped up. We were shock and terrified at what was going on. As the sound was coming from next door.

Kid Pov
Few minutes ago
Things were pretty quiet in here. The older kids were mainly on there phone. The younger ones were playing with toys from the toy chest. The room was actually pretty spacious. With plenty of toys and seating. And the staff working there seen nice I guess. They don't really do anything. But nothing is better then abuse. I even haven't been noticed yet.

I was playing with some of the kids. Unfortunately the peace don't last, as girl that was in the room with us. Out of no where kept screaming her head off. Apparently, she saw a spider went playing dolls. She was about the same age as me and seem familiar. The worker that was there. Tried to calm her down, but nothing seemed to work. So went no one was looking. I exist out to next door. Inside, all the women in there were shock by the noise and me.

" Adam, why the heck are you here?" " Because there a screaming six year old in there. And I was hoping that one of guys could help." " A six year old! Does she have black hair? And dark skin?" Said one of the mothers. " Yeah she did." The mother run out and dash inside. Followed by the rest of us. Inside, the girl mother was comforting her daughter. But nothing would stop her, not even her only mom.

I looked to were the spider was. It was currently on the left wall. While they were busy with the girl. I grab a book from the bookshelf. Trying to kill it, But ever time I tried to kill it. It would crawl away. Soon, it started to crawl in a place I couldn't reach. So I stood on a chair. Jump up, and hit it. Slap. The guts from the spider started to side off the wall. Leaving a spider gut line mark. The girl stop screaming. Everyone was relief to have it stop. But then saw the spider. Immediately they turn to disgust.

" Adam, did you just kill it?" Said Mom. Who seem more shock then disgusted. " It was the only way to stop her from screaming. Looked it work." The girl mom picked the girl up. " I am so sorry. That my daughter caused such a huge mess." The two of them said there goodbyes and left. We too, shortly did the same thing.

Kid: Redlife123z can we talk
A/N: Sure
Kid: Did you suffer writers block went writing this chapter ending?
A/N: Maybe, how come?
Kid: Because you end it make it seem that way.
Well even if I did. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter. I see you guys next Thursday.

* Discontinued series* The underdogs. Kindergarten fanficWhere stories live. Discover now