Ch 6 Breakfast

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Y/N Pov
I woke up to the sound of a- pillow being pounded? I slowly open my eyes to reveal; that Kid wasn't a sleep next to me. " 44" was the sound that woke me up. I seat myself up to reveal a home made gym. The extra blanket I bought was laying on the ground like a yoga mat, with a book in font of it. The bath tub looked to be full, and had flash cards on the side of the tub. The couch area had posted notes tape to the roof, and floor. " 27." The sound was from Kid. Who had tied his pillows with Jasper tie on the floor lamp.

" Morning mom, sorry, did I wake you up by accident." I glanced at the clock. " Adam, it 7am. The hotel breakfast doesn't even start yet. And what in the world happened to are hotel room." " Well I needed to study, but I also needed to started training my body again. So why not combine the two. You want a tour?" " No I don't want a tour, but thanks. But what I want instead is for you to clean all of this up" I firmly said. " But it took me a hour to set this up. Why should I? What I doing is education. And your a teacher. You should be loving this kind of stuff."

What is going on with him? He doesn't normally act like this. Am I doing something wrong, I probably am. " Look that doesn't matter. What matter is that we get this place cleaned up. Get back to bed, and stay in bed it till breakfast. During breakfast, we're going to meet my cousin and there child. After that, will go back to the hotel room. You seat in time out for a hour. No tv or iPad for the rest of day. If you are going to study, then this is how it's going to be. And no sweets. Is that clear." He nodded his head, and got to work.
Kid Pov
As we waited in the elevator, my mind couldn't stop thinking about earlier. Did I do something wrong? Was it too much? Is it because I woke her up? Why did she not tell me what I did wrong like normal? Her discipline was also much more harsh then normal. I must of done real bad to get that. I still don't get why.

I wanted to ask Mom about her cousin. But considering that I already ruined her day. I don't want to be a burden. Jasper was also eyeing us weirdly. Maybe he heard are conversation, and wanted to make sure the air was clear. " You know, James has a daughter who half your age." " Time or physical age?" " Physical, she just turn 3 late month." " What are they like?" " James is very clever person. Both book smarts and general street smarts about life. I remember during college. Went ever they were around and we needed help. They would always know what do or say."

" What about there daughter?" Mom joined in, " Well we used to babysit her before they moved. The last time I believe we saw her, she had just turn 2. A sweet little girl with a lot of energy. Too much energy, I remember that if we wanted to put her down for a nap. We had to work a hour a head of her nap time. Same for bed time." " Reminds me of a certain person we know" said Jasper eyeing me. " Hey don't blame me, blame the time loops. Remember, I not used to having a bed night. And would stay up all night long. I don't have to worry about sleep back then. I only did it if I was feeling mentally tireder not sleepy." " Speaking of sleep, I heard you guys talk earlier. What exactly was that about?" Before Jasper could get answers. The elevator opened, and in to hotel breakfast we go.

The hotel breakfast was busing with people. Who were for some reason, kept glance at me and back. A table fulled with hot steaming of freshly cook bacon and eggs. Or the tower of pancakes and waffles as one of the guests. Grab one and gently pour syrup. By the drink area, there was three pitchers. One with coffee, one cold water and one of hot water. And a min fridge near by. Full with delicious cold goods. There were many wooden tables, with two tv hung on the wall. A person who I believe to be James walked up to us.

James had a pink shirt with a pear of blue jeans. Orange with small wavy curls in a bun. Had a plump body with tan skin. Baby blue eyes and a bit of freckles. The table James came from had a three year old girl. She been dirty blonde hair with eyes like her James. Her skin was lighter then James, but she did had James face.

James bead down to me. " You must be Adam, it's nice to meet you. You can call me James, it's they/them by the way. How about yours?" " It's he, him, and thanks." " No problem." She looked up at Mom and Jasper. " I guessing the pronouns are still the same right." They nodded there heads. I like James, they seen nice, maybe there daughter is to.

James face me again. " Why don't you go and meet Kate over there. She sure is you looking forward to meeting you." I glance at Kat. She noticed and started to wave at me. " HEY ADAM" she cheered. " Kate, what did I say about inside voices." " SOR- I mean sorry." On second thought, maybe not.
" What your favorite animal?" This was the fifth question she asked me, in the two minutes of seating. " Lion." " I like dolphins, and zebra. Or maybe a butterfly. I like how colorful they are. Speaking of colors, what your favorite color. My pink and purple." " Blue." Where were the Jasper and Mom? Getting breakfast shouldn't take this long. " I was thinking that was your favorite. You are wearing a lot of blue." She wasn't wrong about that.

I had on a baby blue light jacket with a clear sky long sleeve shirt. A pair of navy blue shoes. Some classic blue jeans. Even my friendship bracelet had a shade of blue. And yes, I have memories every shade of blue in world. Listen, I had to keep myself busy somehow back then.

Kate then noticed my bracelet. " Oh, that a pretty bracelet you got there. Did you make it yourself?" " No, a friend of my made it for me" I sigh. I stilled haven't gotten over my grief. James who was seating with us. Notice my tone. Kate however was oblivious to my tone.

" A friend, who your friend? Are they a boy or girl? And what are they like?" " She was my classmate, her name was Penny. She was the sweetest girl ever." I grab the leg of my pants. Trying not to cry. " Kate sweetheart, maybe you stop asking Adam about this." Unfortunately Kate, wasn't listening. " Is she your girlfriend then?" I grab on tighter, and looked away. " Adam and Kate kissing in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G." I put a hand on my mouth. You can't yell Adam. Not right now, not to her.

" First came-" She stopped and could feel her staring at me. That went I realized, I been silently crying. It might only be 10 drops. But a cry is still a cry. I wipe away my tears before James could say a word. And before Mom and Jasper could notice. But as we ate. I couldn't stop thinking about the bracelet, and the person behind the gift.

When no one was watching, I whispered to myself a promise. " Don't worry Penny. Once I get in, I make sure no kid ends up like you. I promise.

A/N So what do you guys think of James and Kate. Also here a fun fact, all of Kate answers to her questions. Like the animals and color. Were the same from when I was younger. Now, my favorite animal is Red pandas. And my favorite color is still purple, but not pink. I still continue to write to other chapters, and can't wait for you to read. So far I have only gotten 2 chapters finished during my break. But don't worry, I plan to do more. I also got chapter 7 ready. All I need to do is edit. It till then, I wish you all a happy new year.

* Discontinued series* The underdogs. Kindergarten fanficWhere stories live. Discover now