Ch 17 Fire ants

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Kid Pov
Ms. Emily came back with a red bucket. Which I guess as the fire ants inside. " Everyone, get you coats on and follow us outside." Everyone was confused about what going on, but obey the orders. Before we could leave. Ms Vaellope pulled me side. She smiles her sick smile again. " Before we go out. I just want to thank you Adam. For giving me the opportunity to punish you with this." I gulp. This was going to be great.

We heard out to the backyard area of the daycare. In the past, the backyard was used for recess. It even still had all the old playground equipment. But that wasn't what we're here for. " Show me your arm with the case Kid" said Ms. Emily. I pull up the shelve of my coat. She open the bucket, grabbing a spoon full of ants. Now it made sense why are were out here.

Unfortunately that fact wasn't going to help ease anything. As she dump the spoon of ants in my case. Do my case don't have much of a opening. There was a small gap between my arm and case for the ants to crawl in. I putting my hand on mouth. I try to stop me from screaming. Tasting the salt my tears, as they rush down like a water fall. The pain was unbearable. That I had to sit on my knee. Dying in pain. Trying to shack them off. Nothing. I don't even how many of them in were in there. Whatever it is, it was like the ants were having a war in there. With each of them crawling around in there. Attack each other. My skin was like the battle ground. Every time they would bite me, or fight. I would bite my lip to stop myself from screaming. Soon my lip started to bleed.

I look at the others eyes. Full with sympathy and fear. I look at the adults. Eyes full with enjoyment. Watching as I suffer. I looked my hand. My fingers were cover in blood. A drops from my lip fell on the snow. Turn to a deep dark red. I wanted to scream so badly. But I couldn't give them what they want.

I look at the bucket. I had to do something. To everyone surprise, I got myself up. Grab the bucket with my other hand, and run. " What you doing?" Said Ms. Vaellope screaming. But I was already inside.


Went I did get inside. Both Leo and Lia were horrified. I don't know what more shocking to them. The bucket or me. Lia came immediately to my side. " What in the world happened to you Kid?" " There was a bucket of fire ants outside" I said pointing to the bucket. She open the top, and gasped. Inside was 100s of fire ant. She quickly closed it. Looking me the face. " Why were there a bucket of fire ants outside?" Just as she said that, Ms. Emily came in. " There you Adam. Oh come here" she said trying to act motherly. As she wiped my tears. " Why was there a bucket of fire ants?" Said Leo. Ms. Emily paused, and cleared her throat before she spoke. " Look, will talk about this later. For now we need to force on Co-. I mean Adam." Walking over to the nurses. I looked at the camera, and smile. Planning this out wasn't going to be easy, but fun.

Jasper Pov
I was driving so fast I almost got a speeding ticket. Y/N called me saying Adam got sent to the hospital. And knowing his history with hospital. I know I had to come. James and Kate were also joining me. We check in, and tried to find Adam or Y/N. After some searching we found her. " Oh thank goodness your here." We embrace each other, as she cry on me. " Hey it going to be ok. He been thought worse." Once she let go. She told us what happened.

" You got to be kidding me. Firer ants. Stuff like this can take days to heal from" I said. Kate started to cry. So James had Kate on their lap. " Is going to ok?" I said. Y/N wipe away her tears. " I think so, the doctor said it a low case. But it bleeding I worry about it. The cut pretty deep, and have to do surgery to fix it."

" This is horrible. How could this daycare let this happen? How could they leave a bucket of fire ants on a child play area. I mean, he six. Six year old, don't know about fire ants. And that they should not touch things they shouldn't touch. Why was that bucket even there" Said James. Me and Y/N looked away at the last part. We both knew the full true story. Do I could sense that James knew what we were thinking. " There is no reason behind the bucket- right." " Of there isn't. At least none that we know of. Right sis." " Right."

After a hour later, we were able to finally see him. His arm that normally had the cast was removed. Which will be put back on later. He had more then a dozen bite mark. That were fortunate treated in time. His bottom lip had stitches on. Kid himself was fine. " Hey you guys." Kate run up to hug him. " I glad your ok Adam." " Same." " Adam, can I ask you something" said James. " Sure."

" How did you get like this?" " I was playing on the daycare playground. Went I found a bucket. I wanted to see what was inside. So I open it and saw ants. I don't know it was fire ants. I guess that what I get, for sticking my hands in things that don't belong" he said biting his (now upper) lip.

" Hold on. You knew that bucket had ants in it. Yet you chose to stick your hand in it. That doesn't make sense. Your mom told me about your test. How could you be smart enough to pass it? But not smart enough to know that you shouldn't, be sticking your hand in there." Me, Y/N, and Kid just froze there. " I was curious. That all" he biting lip again. " If you say so." Do we could tell it wasn't working.

Y/N Pov
After are visit with Kid ( who would have to stay over night). Jasper and I were discussing back at the hotel about what to do. "I don't know Jasper. Maybe we should stop sending him there. If that how there punishing the kids there. I don't think it would be a good idea." " Maybe, but you know that he isn't going to be happy with that. And if we do take him out of it. He just try doing another way behind are backs. And who knows what it could be. What if he tries to sneak out again?" She lay down on the bed.

" We also can't forget about James. It clear that they are on to Adam plan." I started to pace. " I don't blame James. The hole reason why we came here in the first place. Is see family. And so far, that the last thing we been doing for Kid." "But pulling him out could stop the suspicion" said Y/N. " But what about you. It already pretty weird that your working on your vacation. Plus, if we pull Kid out, but not you. Would look kind of odd. Speaking of which, have you found a solution for these kids yet." " Unfortunately no."
Ever since I the news got a hold of kindergarten incident. I couldn't stop thinking if I was a good enough parent for him. If I was meeting the standards I needed to meet for myself and others. If I hadn't let him go to the daycare. He won't be staying in the hospital. It your fault kept repeating in mind. It your fault. Him feeling like he has to please you. Is your fault. Him having his nightmares again. It your fault. Him having to endure everything at the daycare. It your fault.

Also been questioning if I was making the right moves. If him going there was a regret. Losing hours of sleep. Fearing that he might wake up from a nightmare, and need me. I constantly reading parenting book. I been feeling connected with Jasper and most important Adam. You think sharing a room with them would do the opposites, but it doesn't. Is it because we're so busy, or is it because I being a bad parent. I just wish this to end. Fortunately, I found a way.

* Discontinued series* The underdogs. Kindergarten fanficWhere stories live. Discover now