The Terror of Tal'Dorei: Part 1

Start from the beginning

"Does this mean we're officially banned from every tavern in Emon?" Keyleth asked as the group sighed agreeing. Athena wished she could say that she was surprised but it was a running them for the group.

"Wonderful. We've got no money, no place to live and fuck all for prospects," Vax stated.

"Well, perhaps if someone didn't accidentally decapitate the last fellow who hired us," Percy countered looking at Grog as he was throwing the orc's hand in the air happily. "Well, I apologized, didn't I?" he blatantly said.

"We have a mountain of debts and... oh, good... Three silver to our name," Vex said jiggling their fund bag. All the money they got from Maxwell and other various jobs that they were able to complete was completely gone. While Athena didn't really care for money, they did need it for basic necessities. "We need a job. Anything, at this point," Vex finished.

"I mean, if protecting carts from swindlers and killing goblins for gold isn't getting us anywhere, I don't know, maybe... maybe we could try doing some good this time?" Pike asked honestly. As a cleric, Pike naturally wanted to do good in the name of the Everlight. Athena respected her for that even if she didn't really believe in those forces. However, the rest of the group didn't necessarily agree.

"Nah... Boring," most of the group said.

"Pike, ethics are a luxury we currently can't afford," Percy stated.

"Have you guys ever thought maybe we're not really meant to do this?" Keyleth asked. "I mean, Vex and Vax only care about themselves."

"Well, fuck you," they both said. It wasn't completely false or true. Vax looked at Athena thinking about Keyleth's question.

"Grog just wants to murder everyone."

"Yeah, pretty much," Grog said.

"Percy barely wants to be seen with us in public, and Scanlan wants...," Keyleth stopped looking at Scanlan knowing what she wanted to say but too shy to actually say it.

"To bed everyone in the realm. Yes, you can say it, Keyleth. I'm not ashamed," he said proudly.

"Honestly, why are we even together?" Keyleth asked, sighing as sadness filled her.

"Well, while you're all moping around, I have to drain the proverbial basilisk," Scanlan said while walking over to an announcement board to do so.

"I bet you wished you walked away from us now, huh, Athena?" Keyleth asked continuing to mop.

Was this the best group in all the realms? No. They were far from it. But Athena had never thought since she joined about leaving them just because they were in a rough patch. She had been through the worst and this group was the best to happen to her in her whole goddamn life.

"No, Keyleth," she replied looking at her honestly. "There are worse places to be." Keyleth smiled at her response. She didn't think about it from Athena's perspective considering where she had come from. Keyleth just felt like she was letting everyone done back home.

Vax was relieved at Athena's response. He didn't want to imagine her leaving them even though she had every right to. While Vax didn't want to admit it to himself, he had developed a crush on her. He didn't want to push her though since she was experiencing a lot of things for the first time in a new setting. His thoughts were interrupted as Scanlan came running back. He unfurrowed a piece of paper in front of them.

"This! This is our purpose. Fighting for justice, for glory, protecting the kingdom, and stuff. And most importantly...," he said while doing a spin, "Lots of money!" he finished as his pants fell down causing Trinket to snarl. The group read the paper, deciding they have nothing to lose by taking this job, and headed towards the palace.

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