Minji sent her a small smile before offering her a coffee. "Still refusing to meet up, is she?"

Taking the cup gratefully, Y/n pulled up her feet so that Minji could take a seat. She took a sip before she admitted, "I didn't ask her this time. I didn't want to hear whatever excuse she came up with."

Minji's expression turned sympathetic. "I'm sorry, Y/n."

Y/n just let out a loud, frustrated breath, staring down at her drink. "I just want to meet her. I want to talk to her in person. I want to see if she's half as amazing offline as she is online, because if she is then I'm one hundred percent screwed and I'd like to know if I have a chance in hell of dating her or if I'm going to die alone."

Minji was quiet for a long moment before she reached out and lightly patted Y/n's knee. "I'm sorry she doesn't want to meet you, Y/n."

"I want to know if she's real too," Y/n finally blurted, admitting something she'd been silently worrying about since she'd worked out how much she genuinely liked Haerin. "I mean, we met trolling people, what if this is one whole big con and I'm the biggest sucker out there?"

"She hasn't made any mention of wanting anything from you," Minji pointed out. "She's been reticent with her own information; that doesn't sound like a con."

"No," Y/n agreed, but it didn't minimize her tension or her unhappiness. "She sounds like a catfish."

Something that Hanni had suggested Haerin was, on more than one occasion.

"The last time Hanni was in town," Minji told her as if reading her mind, "She suggested we go to Central Park and stalk the pigeons for you." Y/n stared at her in utter confusion. Minji rolled her eyes. "To see if we could spot the girl from your pictures. You said she often goes to feed them 'like some adorable old grandma'."

Y/n blinked. "That is... actually a brilliant idea."

Minji's amusement faded. "Y/n. I wasn't actually suggesting-"

"No, I mean, why not? I can say I got the idea of visiting Central Park from her and then if I see her, I'll see if she recognises me and then I'll know for sure and-"

"Y/n, if she is real, which, for the record, I believe she is, that would be more like an ambush. She might not want to meet you for a very good reason."

Y/n blinked away from her plans in order to look at her friend. Minji looked disapproving and it made Y/n remember how awkward and shy Minji had been before she'd made friends with Y/n. It took a long time to break through her friend's walls and even after succeeding; Minji was still no less introverted than when they'd first met.

"Haerin does not strike me as the shy and awkward type, Minji," Y/n told her, but she still leant forward and squeezed her friend's shoulder. "But I know not everyone is the same in real life as they are online. I also know she could have a girlfriend or kids or a warrant out for her arrest, but hell Minji, not knowing is killing me."

"You're still thinking about invading someone's privacy," Minji insisted, frowning.

"What if I just scope out the bird feeders and if I spot her on her own, say hello and then let her leave if she wants to?"

"What if going against her wishes means she won't talk to you again?" Minji fired back.

Y/n hesitated at that; her gut clenching and her heart falling at the thought of losing the ability to chat with Haerin. The woman could be an illusion and nothing like what she pretended to be, but was it worth losing her if it turned out Haerin was exactly who she presented to be but hadn't met her for legitimate reasons?

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