Visiting Hours

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When Wylda returned to the waiting room, the air grew somber as she shared the heartbreaking news with friends and family. Winnie and Bree cradled their swollen bellies. They couldn't imagine the loss.

Soon a doctor arrived to announce that everyone who had come in from the party was stable and that families could now visit until hours were over. Relief flooded everyone's faces as the made their way down the halls to find their loved ones.

Zevon picked up  before making his way through the maze of hallways. They saw Ezmae and Zinnia reuniting with Eliza; Alpha Wylda talking with Wyatt; Inza, Bree, and Brayden spending time with Bonzo; Missy checking on Bucky; and countless others reuniting with loved ones.

The pair stopped to check on Zoey, Wanda, and Addison who were all doing well. Addison had been relieved to see her daughter but also concerned when she learned what had occurred. Zevon assured her that they had it under control then they went to see Zed.

Zed was exhausted to say the least. Between fatigue from the poison itself and the exhaustion if puking his guts out, he was ready for a long nap. The door to his room opened and Zed groaned, thinking it was the nurse coming to poke and prod him again for more tests. But when he looked up to see his father and daughter, warmth flooded through him.


"Hey princess." Zed smiled as Zevon placed her in his arms. "Were you good for Ms. Zinnia?"

Kenzie smiled. "Yes."

"That's my girl." Zed replied proudly.

Zevon sighed, running a hand through his hair. He was glad for the happy reunion, but he still needed to explain what happened to Zed. Addison already knew and he should too.

"Zed, we need to talk."

Zed looked up, surprised by the seriousness in his dad's voice. He thought this was just a family visit. What could have happened in such a short amount of time?

"Yeah Dad, what is it?" Zed asked.

Zevon took a deep breath. "It seems Kenzie is more zombie than we thought."

Zed's eyes widened. "What do you mean? Did something happen?"

"Kenzie got upset while at Zinnia's and she began to....turn." Zevon explained. "I took her to Z-Tech. The doctors say that her turning is connected to her emotions. As long as Kenzie learns how to manage her feelings, she shouldn't need a Z-band. Apparently Zeke has the same ah....quirk."

Zed shook his head in disbelief. He thought being only half zombie would protect her. That she wouldn't have to worry about the danger she could cause like he did. But it seemed that her DNA only controlled it so much.

"Are you mad, Daddy?" Kenzie asked quietly.

Zed hugged her close. "Of course not. You didn't do anything wrong, Kenzie. Being a zombie is just part of who you are. We'll figure it out together, okay?"

"Okay." Kenzie nodded.

Zevon placed a hand on his shoulder. "We'll do this as a family. Its possible Ezmae and Brayden may also need help. We'll just have to keep a watchful eye."

Zed nodded. "Yeah. Thanks dad."

Kenzie looked up at him and smiled. "I love you daddy."

"I love you too." Zed smiled back.

Author's Note

Short one today. I know it's been a while and I'm sorry. Between writer's block and family drama it's been alot. Thankfully summer is coming and it should get easier to write. I'm determined to finish this story and write the finally book to complete this series. Thank you to all who have stuck with me.


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