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Winnie stood up abruptly. "I'm going back there. I can't just sit here knowing something's wrong."

Bree grabbed her arm. "Winnie you can't. You heard what they said. We can't--"

Winnie's eyes flashed gold. "Who's going to stop me?"

She pulled her arm away and stormed off down the hall. Winnie strained to listen for any sign of Wynter but it proved difficult with the chaos going on around her. She came to the end of the hall and found it split into two directions. Winnie stopped to listen, hoping to find a sign for which way she should go when someone ran into her from behind. Winnie yelped as she began to fall but before she could hit the ground a pair of arms caught her. The person placed her back on her feet and she whirled around to face them.


"Winnie, I'm sorry." Walker said quickly, frantically looking around. "I heard Wynter howl. I need to find her. Have you seen her?"

"No, I was trying to find her as well." Winnie replied, taking in his appearance. He was in nothing but a hospital gown. His arm was bleeding. His skin was pale and his eyes were wide with panic. Walker's legs were shaking and she knew if not for the apparent adrenaline running through his veins he would have already collapsed.

"Walker, I know you're worried but you need to rest." Winnie told him gently. "You don't look well and you're bleeding."

Walker glanced at his arm. "I must have pulled the needle out when I ran. But that doesn't matter, I have to find Wynter."


Another long, sorrow-filled howl echoed through the halls. Walker's head shot up and he took off running towards the sound.

Winnie started to go after him when a hand grabbed her arm.

"Ma'am you need to go back to the waiting room."

Winnie turned to see a security guard holding her back as another guard and a doctor took off in the direction Walker had run.

Winnie shook her head. "No, I need to go after my friend. His mate, Wynter, she's the one howling. I need to know if they're both okay."

The security guard shook his head. "I can't let you do that. Until we know it's safe it's best you return to the waiting room. Please, I don't want to use force in your condition."

Winnie looked back in the direction Walker had gone. Part of her wanted to wolf-out and drag the security guard down the hall, but the other half knew that it would cause more harm than good.

"Fine." Winnie replied. "But someone better show up and tell us what's going on. We're all tired of waiting."

"Good." The security guard nodded. "I will escort you back then see if I can find someone who can give you the information you need."

"Thank you." Winnie sighed, letting the guard escort her back. But it didn't make her feel any better.

POV Change brought to you by Bonzo's DJing

Walker's heart pounded as he ran down the hall. His head turned from side to side, peering into each room to look for a sign of Wynter. Something was wrong. She was hurting. He needed to know why. He had to find her. He had to.

Walker rounded another corner when a shout caught him off guard.

"Just go away! Leave me alone!"

"Wynter." Walker breathed before shouting. "Wynter!"


Wynter's cry echoed from the room on his right and he darted inside. A doctor and a nurse were standing inside the room trying to make their way towards Wynter who was sitting on the bed. Wynter's eyes glowed gold as she growled at them, tears running down her cheeks. "Get away from me!"

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