Happy Birthday Ezmae

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Laughter and happy chatter filled the air as people gathered at the lake. Bonzo tended to the grill.  Hamburgers and hotdogs sizzled as he turned them over. Eliza stacked presents on a table while Addison and Bree set up snacks and refreshments. Nearby, Wyatt tended to a fire which would be used to make s'mores later on when the sun set.

People mingled around them, talking and laughing with each other. Will sat on a blanket with Winnie sitting between his legs, resting against his chest. Her hands were folded on top of her swollen belly as they chatted with Walker and Wynter. Nearby, Bucky and Ziva were talking with Wren and Wanda, who had her arm around Zoey.

Bree walked over and sat in a chair near the buffet. She sighed in relief, rubbing her own swollen belly. "I forgot how hard it is to move around when your pregnant."

Addison chuckled. "Yeah, but it's worth it when you get to hold that baby. I can't believe how fast time flies."

"I know." Bree sighed. "It seems like yesterday Brayden was growing inside me, now it's our little girl."

Addison sat down beside her. "Is Brayden excited?"

"He is." Bree nodded. "He talks to the baby all the time. It's so precious."

"Awe." Addison smiled. "That's so cute."

Bree leaned back in her chair. "What about you and Zed? Any plans for a new addition?"

"We've discussed it." Addison admitted. "We want Kenzie to have a sibling. We're just letting nature decide when that happens."

Bree nodded. "Well when it does happen it will be exciting."

"Yeah." Addison smiled.


Eight year old Zeke ran around the tables with Kenzie and Brayden hot on his tail. Kenzie squealed with delight as she charged after him. As Zeke rounded another table Kenzie's hand grabbed his shirt causing him to stumble and hit the ground with a thud.


Kenzie and Brayden jumped on top of him, squealing and giggling as they pinned him to the ground.

"Got you! Got you!" Kenzie giggled, reaching over Zeke's shoulder to poke his cheek.

Brayden bounced up and down on the back of Zeke's legs. "We win! We win!"

"Fine, you win." Zeke chuckled. "Now can you both get off me?"

Kenzie smiled mischievously, shaking her head. "No, you stuck now."

"Zeke stuck! Zeke stuck!" Brayden laughed.

Zeke sighed. "Somebody help! I'm being squished!"

Bonzo turned away from the grill and motioned towards the three year olds. "Brayka, Kenzska gazup (Brayden, Kenzie get up)."

"Za zaba (Yes daddy)." Brayden responded, getting up. He ran over and wrapped his arms around Bonzo's leg. "Garziga (Love you)."

Bonzo smiled and tussled his hair with his free hand. "Gar garziga zu (I love you too).

Brayden giggled and turned back to the others. "Kenzie get up!"

Kenzie giggled and shook her head, staying put. But suddenly a pair of strong arms hoisted her up. Kenzie squealed as the person blew a raspberry on her belly.

"Uncle Wyatt no!"

Wyatt laughed as she tried to wriggle away. "Are you going to keep being a naughty pup?"

"I be good! I be good!" Kenzie giggled.

"You better." Wyatt teased, sitting her back on the ground next to Zeke who had stood up to brush off his clothes. "Now where is Ezmae?"

Kenzie pointed towards the lake. "She's talking to the fishies again."

Wyatt chuckled. "Is she now? Well I better go get her."

Zeke grabbed Kenzie's hand. "Come on Kenz, let's go find your mommy and daddy."

"Okay!" Kenzie smiled, dragging him away.

Wyatt laughed, shaking his head as he watched them go before walking down towards the water. He followed the shoreline a short ways to a large rock.

"Mommy said fishies have scales." Ezmae's voice echoed on the other side. "Scales are pretty."

Wyatt smiled as he listened to his daughter talk. Ezmae was curious and always wanted to know everything about everything.

"Ezmae." Wyatt called out, walking around to the other side of the rock. "Its time for cake."

"Okay daddy." Ezmae replied as she stood up, her eyes focused on the rippling water and the little fish that swam in the shallows.

Wyatt took her hand, gently leading her away. "Come on, everyone is waiting."

Ezmae took one last look at the water before following Wyatt back to the party. Everyone had gathered around a large table with a cake on top. Wyatt picked Ezmae up and held her as Eliza lit the three candles on her cake.

"Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Ezmae,
Happy Birthday to you!"

Everyone finished singing and Wyatt held her up to the cake. "Blow out your candles and make a wish Ezmae."

Ezmae closed her eyes as she blew as hard as she could. When the candles went out, everyone cheered. Wyatt sat Ezmae down in a nearby chair to help Eliza pass out slices of cake, making sure the birthday girl got the first slice.

Ezmae ate her cake quickly then slipped over to the table and grabbed another slice. She wandered back down to the water and placed the plate on a rock by the water.

"Bye bye fishies." Ezmae waved at the water before wandering back up to the party.

She climbed into Eliza's lap, watching as Wyatt roasted marshmallows over the fire. Zeke was eating his own s'more happily and Kenzie was asleep in Zed's lap while Brayden stood in front of Bree, kissing her belly and talking to his baby sister.

Ezmae rested her head against Eliza's shoulder. "I tired mommy."

"We'll be leaving soon." Eliza promised. "You can take a nap if you like."

"Okay." Ezmae nodded, closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep.

Author's Note

Well here it is ladies and gents. Thank you for your patience.

Shout out to mywifewanda for being the first one to decipher the hidden message in the last chapter. It won't be every chapter but I am going to try and leave some hidden messages once in a while to give your guys hints as to what may be happening later on in the story. So keep your eyes peeled. (There is no message in this chapter FYI)


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