Football Practice

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"Let's run that play again!" Zed called out to the players on the field. "This time keep it tight! We can't let the opposing team sack our quarterback!"

Zed blew the whistle and watched as the players ran through the play again, looking for any areas of improvement. Football season would be soon approaching. All hopes were riding on that this would be the year the Mighty Shrimp made it to the playoffs. Maybe even the Super Bowl.

"Daddy, whistle too loud!" Kenzie whined, peeking out from behind his chair, holding her ears.

"Well, you could always go watch mommy and the cheerleaders." Zed suggested, pointing down the field where Addison was hosting cheer practice.

"Don't wanna." Kenzie pouted, shaking her head.

Zed sighed, reaching down to rummage in the bag he had brought for Kenzie. After a moment, he pulled out a set of noise cancelling headphones. After many seemingly random screaming fits, they'd figured out when Kenzie was still just a baby that she was sensitive to loud, high pitched sounds. Since Kenzie was part werewolf, it wasn't a stretch to surmise she had inherited a heighten sense of hearing.

"Here Kenzie." Zed placed the headphones over her ears. "These will help with the noise. But you have to keep them on, okay?"

"Okay Daddy." Kenzie smiled.

Zed turned back to the field, blowing his whistle. "Alright, that looks good! Let's run the next one! If it looks good we'll run some drills then call it quits for today!"

Murmurs responded in agreement from the field as the players got into position. Zed turned and glanced at Kenzie. "Did your headphones help?"

Kenzie nodded. "Yes. All better now."

Zed smiled, before returning his attention back to the field. The play started off well but when the quarterback threw the ball the receiver missed the catch. Zed blew his whistle.

"Run it again! The play was perfect but it's no good if the ball doesn't get caught! Fumbles lose games guys!"

Kenzie crawled into Zed's lap. "Daddy, what's a bumble?"

"Fumble, Kenzie." Zed corrected with a chuckle. "A fumble is when someone drops the ball and the other team gets it."

Kenzie stared at him thoughtfully. "So fumbles are bad?"

"Not always." Zed explained. "If our team fumbles, it's bad because it gives the other team a chance to get points. But if the other team fumbles, then it's good because we get the ball."

"Then we get points?" Kenzie asked.

"If we're lucky, yes." Zed nodded.

"Yay!" Kenzie cheered as Zed turned back to the team.

"Great work guys! Looks good! Run it one more time then hit the training course! Keep it up and we'll have the most well protected quarterback this year!"

"Daddy." Kenzie tugged on his sleeve. "What's a warterback?"

"The quarterback is the person who throws the ball." Zed explained. "Their job is to put the ball in play so we have a chance to score."

"So we get more points?" Kenzue questioned.

Zed laughed. "Yeah Kenz, so we can score more points."

"Yay points!" Kenzie clapped excitedly.

Zed called out to the players to hit the training course and made sure the coach didn't need him before grabbing Kenzie's bag. "Let's go watch Mommy for a bit, okay?"

"Okay." Kenzie agreed.

The two of them made their way down the field to where the cheerleaders were practicing. Kenzie giggled and swayed in his lap as she tried to mimic their movements with her arms as they danced and cheered.

Zed smiled as he watched his daughter dance along. His little sunshine never ceased to brighten his day. Since Kenzie had been born, he had come to understand what his dad meant by him and Zoey being his whole world. Because now Kenzie was his whole world.

The music ended and the cheerleaders dropped their ending poses.

"Great work today." Addison praised. "We still have a few adjustments to make but the routines are coming together nicely. I'll see you all tomorrow."

At that the cheerleaders disbanded. Everyone grabbed their things and began to head out. Addison took a drink from her water bottle before slinging her own bag over her shoulder. She started to turn around when a pair of arms wrapped around her legs.


Addison smiled as she looked down at her daughter. "Hey sweet pea. Did you have fun with daddy?"

"Uh huh." Kenzie nodded. "Daddy made them fix the bumble."

"Fumble." Zed corrected coming up beside them. "But yeah, it's all good now."

Addison chuckled, pecking him on the cheek. "Well I'm glad you fixed it. We wouldn't want any 'bumbles' at the game."

Kenzie laughed. "Mommy said bumbles too!"

"Come here!" Zed growled playfully, scooping Kenzie up into his lap. "Kiss attack in 3, 2, 1!"

Zed kissed one of Kenzie's cheeks while Addison kissed the other, squishing her face between theirs. Kenzie squealed and wiggled around trying to get away.

Zed and Addison laughed, pulling away from their daughter.

"Alright my little monster." Addison smiled. "Let's go home and get some dinner."

Pizza night?" Kenzie asked hopefully.

"Sure Kenz, pizza night." Zed nodded.

"Yay!" Kenzie cheered. "Can we get the one with the red circles on it?"

"Pepperoni?" Addison chuckled. "Sure. One pepperoni pizza coming up."

Kenzie bounced excitedly in Zed's lap as they made their way out of the football stadium. The two parents couldn't help but laugh. These were the memories they'd cherish forever.

Author's Note

I owe you guys at least two more chapters but I hope this will give you something to hold you over until then. This month has been super busy and time has not been my friend. Thank you all for your patience and enjoy!


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