Welcome Back

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Hey guys! It's me Wyatt! I'm here to fill you in on all wild things happening in Seabrooke. And trust me, there's a lot. Between marriages, births, and all the little moments in between, we've all been busy.

Everyone has tied the knot in one way or another and we're all looking forward to what the future brings. Willa, Wynter, and I all run our shop Flesh and Tones. It's a clothing boutique, salon, and tattoo parlor all rolled into one. Willa designs and makes clothes and accessories, Wynter does hair and makeup, and yours truly does the tattoo work. It's a pretty cool place where people can come and find themselves whether it be through looks, style, or both.

Bree and Bonzo are continuing to inspire the new generations as teachers, Wade is still enjoying life as a guidance councilor and Ziva has even joined them as a translator for deaf and hearing impaired students. Bucky has officially graduated with his doctorate and is now practicing medicine alongside Dr. Andrews and Dr. Hazel. He handles the physical therapy side of their practice but also does routine check ups upon request.

Walker, Winnie, and Will have chosen to spend their time with the pack. Will helps train the younger pups the skills they'll need to become a full fledged members of the pack. Walker and Winnie however have chosen to learn the ancient ways to one day become members of the Council of Elders and help guide the pack alongside Willa when she becomes Alpha.

Addison is still bringing smiles to everyone's faces as a professional cheerleader. She loves cheer and her passion is as strong as ever. Zed, though he can no longer play professionally, is still part of the team. It was decided that he would now be the football team's assistant coach. Even on the sidelines, Zed is making sure things get done on and off the field.

Zoey and Wren are all in their Junior year of college. Zoey is an college cheerleader studying to become a vet and Wren is studying to be an Art teacher. She still hasn't shown interest in finding that special someone, maybe because she's afraid Wade and Walker will scare them off. But who knows? Perhaps that special someone is out there. Wanda on the other hand has finished beauty school and helps Wynter out at Flesh and Tones. And Eliza, not only an amazing wife and mother, is now one of Z-Tech's head technology specialists.

We've all come so far since our first days in Seabrooke. Despite the past, I can't imagine not having these amazing people by my side everyday. Seabrooke is definitely a magical place.

Speaking of magical, being a parent is pretty magical. Brayden and Kenzie have both turned three and Ezmae will be three in a month. They've all grown so fast. Watching them run around around and hearing them talk is so amazing. Having these little people looking up to us and loving us is just an incredible feeling.

Ezmae is my little wolf. During her blessing she became a full wolf like me. We're not sure if this means she won't have any zombie traits or if they will appear differently but only time will tell. For now, she has her own moonstone and me to teach her what it means to be a wolf.

We also have some new additions that will soon be joining our group. Winnie is eight months pregnant with her first child and Bree is six months pregnant with her second child, a little girl. Both families are beyond excited to welcome the newest additions to their families.

I don't know about you, but I can't wait to see what the future brings. There's never a dull moment in Seabrooke.


Author's Note

Short chapter today but I'm feeling bold so you may see something interesting soon. 😏


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