Sleep Deprived, You Decide?

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"No use, the door is dead bolted. We didn't even notice what he was doing until it happened. We were all shoved in here before the cops arrived and then we heard an electrical screw driver."added in Reno awkwardly. Reco began to fake laugh and slap his brother shoulder.

"Don't say that. We can get out, right sis."he began to question. Those eyes said be my pillar, agree with me, don't lose hope, cause if you do, I'll lose it too. I slightly tilted my head until he began to shriek. He bounced on his feet as he paced and Reno began to shuffle into his as he sat onto the ground while rocking.

"Now, don't start that. It's just a minor set back as soon as someone opens the door we run at them and then we break through."I started to cheer in. I started to move back for the door when thudding came for it and then door swung open. I ran at the person with weight pushing it all forward but I didn't move them an inch and the boys gasped. I stared to lean backwards against the weight of the person in front of me

"So you're finally awake. I really needed this hug. Whew fighting a rebellion is really hard, I'll tell you. But having my kids here really is worth it." He explained. I started to raise my bow as he held me there and then began to place his hand in the back of my head. I blushed and wrapped my arms over my chest.

"So you aren't rebelling then who were those guys in the capes and hoods."reno exclaimed.

"Body guards, black ops."he responded. He held me long and swayed me some as I just kept blinking at him.

"But then why were the cops after you?"asked Reco. Play dad pushed my head against his chest and then started to cradle it as he held me closer.

"Those were fake cops, the cops in the police force would never go after me unless I ordered it."he stated. He started to lift my legs up as he held me and I began to gawk some to get free from him. I heard myself gasp as well as my brothers.

"Wait; Wait wait: who the heck are you?"I asked. He began to laugh and laid my feet down as he turnt me around in front of him. Then he began to lean his head on my own and sway me in his arms.

"Well. Let's see, thanks to conspiracy theorist I am called The Father of nations. Technically I inherited my claim from my father who had his memory wiped and out into the system so he wouldn't try to take over me."he exclaimed. He began to sway me some and my eyes began to glow as i elbowed my way against his arms. "Nope. Not happening, little bug. You're staying with me."he explained. The Reco and Reno gasped in front of us then began to race for the door. Play dad grabbed both of them and end up letting me go for mili second before shuffling all red of us into s non voluntary hug. "Nope. You guys aren't going anywhere either. Cause we speak your parents are being brainwashed and handing custody of every birth certificates every, photo, every project with your names on it to me. And the colleges you've been to have erased all records of Estella Goodwin every being there. Welcome to the family, little guys and baby girl."he explained. He  looked at me as the fury ended upon my cheeks while boys looked completely weirded out.

"Ugh. Um sure man will just go to the bathroom come on Reno."Reco began to exclaim. He slid from play dads arms with ease and then he started to race out of the room. Play dad rolled his eyes at him and then released Reno with his brow raised. I began to struggle against him and he made an annoying noise.

"Nu un. We both know they aren't going to the bathroom and you aren't going with them."he warned. He started to lean backwards as I struggled until he laid his hand over my eyes again. "Just relax."he commanded. I started to struggle again and then he started to pat my it down. "Relax, relax. Relax."he started to exclaim. He began to force the darkness over my eyelids and then I started to draw back asleep.

"I-I- so sister- girl biased!"I began to squeak. I started to hear him laugh as he held his hand onto my head.

"No. I am just daughter biased. Besides. It's more because your older and shorter. While they're younger and a hint taller,"he began to scream in. He started to sigh as I dropped into sleep and then he began to lift me up from the ground. "Heave."he yelled. I smacked his arm in my sleep after he made that comment. "Stubborn. I didn't mean it for you."he stated. He dropped me back onto the bed and then i heard the boys shout and fight back. "Would you two shut up. Geez. No one's gonna hurt you."he began to command. He began to offer his hand towards my brothers shoulders and squeezed them hard.  I heard two grunts and then a double thud. "Well that was just cleshae. And not my fault."he began to explain. I began to hear a bunch of laughter come from his friends.

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