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- - - - - - - - - -  chapter 5 - - - - - - - - - 

she wakes up in Sin's arms. 

her phone rings causing him to groan and wake up. she rolls over and grabs her phone picking it up 

" hello" she mumbles

" oh honey did i wake you up?" her mom says 

" no mom you didnt " 

her mom laughs " i think i did. you were never a morning person" 

evelyn smiles " i know " sin's arm wraps around her waist and he pushes his face in her back as his hands roam her body 

she sucks in a breath " we were just wondering how you doing hun" 

evelyn - im doing good. school has been good to mom 

" good baby.. any boys yet?" she asks making evelyn laugh. she hears her dad in the background " better not be any boys" 

she smiles " no mom no boys "

her mom " you sure?" 

she laughs " yes mom" 

" alright alright... me and your father is going out for lunch" 

she smiles "Alright ma. be safe " 

" of course hun" 

" bye mom"

bye baby" 

she puts her phone down on the night stand as she hangs up the phone. sin pulls her closer to him " who was that?" 

she laughs " it was my mom" 

he lifts up her shirt and start kissing up her back to her neck. " we gotta get up and get dressed " she mumbles 

" no we dont" he hovers over her " yes we do" 

" no we dont" he says and pushes his lips to hers. 

" sin we have to talk about this... this could ruin both of our reputations.." she mumbles

he lifts his head up and looks at her " i wont let that happen amore" 

he rubs her side " how?"

sin - dont worry about it. i have it covered 

she gives him a look of confusion. she moves from under him " i've gotta get ready i got class" 

sin nods " ok look.. it'll be ok amore" 

she shrugs " its wrong though.. you wanna know what its gonna look like if people found out or hell even without them knowing how ill feel? " 

" how do you feel about it? fuck the others amore" sin says 

she pulls his shirt off of her body leaving her standing there naked. sin gulps as she grabs a new pair of underwear. she slides it on her legs and pulling it on. " i feel like this is wrong sin. i dont want people think im some kind of slut and is gonna sleep with anyone just to get what i want or anything. if i fucking knew you were gonna be my teacher i wouldnt have - " 

sin cuts her off " evelyn" 

she puts her bra on " what?" 

sin - dont say it was a mistake. cause it wasnt. 

" but look where we are sin! you are my teacher. i am your student " he slides out of the bed " as much as i want too and trust me i really do -"

sin - then we will evelyn. nothing will happen to you or me 

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