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Winter came rushing towards the emergency sections of the hospital. Close right behind her is Aeri, Ningning, and Key. Of all of them four, no one can deny that Winter is the most frantic among them. After hearing the news from the police at the scene, Key is the one who called Winter to come as well, knowing how close the bodyguard is to the actress.

Like a frantic idiot, Winter gets up from her bed immediately as soon as she heard what had happened to Karina. Her tears already fall freely and Winter didn't even try to stop them. With her pajamas, drooly mouth, and messy hair, she drove her bike as soon as she can to the hospital.

It was a fatal mistake.

Should Winter trust Karina to just stay at home that night? She did. But the actress didn't tell anything to Winter about going out. Now that this happens again, how can Winter tell herself again to breathe and move on?

She could die just because of Karina.

"Karina Yu! Where's Karina Yu?", Winter asked the nurse she met as soon as she entered the emergency ward. The nurse gasped once before guiding the four people to follow her into the most corner sections of the ward. Maybe the most discreet with the most privacy among all of the emergency wards.

As soon as Winter slides the baby blue curtain, she could see Karina with her cemented left hand, currently smiling warmly towards all four people who are standing in front of her bed. But her eyes mainly focus on one and only Winter Kim.

"Hi?", Karina greeted awkwardly, squinted her eyes towards her visitors.

Aeri exhales in gratefulness. Ningning hands are both on her waist. Key massaging her aching head. They are grateful that the actress was fine, despite the broken left hand and a tiny injury on her forehead.

The truck didn't hit her thankfully, as the truck driver aka a wanted criminal managed to make a sudden turn to the left and hit a lampost by the road as the result. But still, when the truck spun before hitting the lampost, the back of the truck hit the actress's car on the front which left the car 20% damaged.

Karina fainted on the scene after her head knocked on the car door window right next to her.

"Thank God, Karina! We felt like dying!", Key confessed with his worried face. Karina couldn't say anything as her answer. She slightly felt guilty for making everyone worried about her.

The actress shifted her focus back to Winter. The younger woman looks like a mess. Her eyes were still red, and Karina knows well the reason why. She shouldn't go out without telling Winter in the first place, because the actress knew how much Winter cared about her. Karina smiled softly at the younger woman. Her face shows how much she feels guilty about it. She knew it must be hard for Winter as well.

"Hi, Wint-"

Not until the younger woman suddenly hugged her.

It was a surprise for sure. Winter acted so tough all this time. She wanted to avoid the public interest all the time. But knowing that Karina's well-being is Winter's biggest weakness, Winter wants to hold her.

At least just this one time.

"I'm sorry, Winter...", Karina said as she stroked the back of the younger woman with her right hand. Winter's holds around Karina's shoulder were never loosened, and Karina could feel the cold sweat and the trembling body of the younger woman. "I promised to tell you next time".

Winter didn't answer like she always did. While Key go away to settle something at the counter, and Aeri and Ning were nowhere around out of blue, Winter never let Karina go at this moment, and yet Karina didn't even protest a tiny bit. She missed being in Winter's hold.

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