Chapter 3

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Next morning at the Arcadia Movement HQ...

Shadow engaged in his daily training regimen, a combination of physical exercises and mental drills. In the HQ's gym, he worked out vigorously, pushing his body to its limits. After an intense session, he took a refreshing shower and grabbed a quick lunch, attempting to recover from the strain of his morning training.

Shadow (muttering): Damn, they're working me to death. But I'm doing something. I'd probably go nuts doing nothing all day. Hmmm, I wonder how Akiza is doing. Haven't seen her since yesterday. Hope she's okay.

Suddenly, Shadow was approached by an Arcadia Specialist.

Specialist: Shadow, Divine has requested your presence.

Shadow: What for?

Specialist: He didn't say, just that he needed to see you as soon as possible.

Shadow: No rest for the weary, huh? Ok, fine.

Shadow followed the man to Divine's office. Upon entering, Divine stood by his office windows, gazing out at the Arcadia Movement HQ.

Specialist: Shadow is here, Divine.

Divine: Leave us.

Specialist: As you wish.

The specialist exited the room, leaving Shadow and Divine alone. Divine turned around, fixing his gaze on Shadow.

Divine: How was your training this morning?

Shadow: Nothing I can't handle.

Divine: And have you been having dreams? Any memories? Voices, perhaps?

Shadow: How do you know about that?

Divine: You're not the first one with that ability. Now, tell me, what have you seen and heard?

Shadow: I've heard the voice of a young girl. I remember being in a forest and Duel Monsters... but it must be some kind of dream. Actually, talking Duel Monsters, that's insane.

Divine: No, you have a connection with the Duel Monster Spirit World.

Shadow: Duel Monster Spirit World...?

Divine: Yes, I believe you have a connection and may even get us there. But before that, it's time for you to face a real opponent.

Shadow: A duel? With who?

Divine: With Arcadia's strongest, Akiza.

Shadow: Akiza? Isn't she still recovering?

Divine: I can assure you she's in perfect condition. Besides, she says that you promised her a duel.

Shadow: I did.

Divine: Well then, best not keep her waiting. Head to the duel arena; she'll be waiting for you there.

Shadow: As you wish, Divine.

Shadow left the office, and as he walked away, Divine sat down in his chair, turning on a monitor displaying the duel arena.

Divine: Time to see if you truly are useful to me, Shadow. If not, I cannot allow you to remain here and corrupt my Akiza.

As Shadow made his way to the duel arena, his mind buzzed with questions and uncertainties. The prospect of facing Akiza in a duel intrigued and worried him simultaneously. Little did he know that this upcoming confrontation would not only test his dueling skills but also unravel more mysteries about his own existence.

Moments later....

Shadow arrived at the duel arena, where Akiza stood on the opposite side, waiting for him.

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