Finding Your Destiny

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Note: So sorry for not updating it, but I kinda forgot about it hahah. So if you want an update comment it so I wont forget

Harry woken up at nine, to soft crying. At first he was confused because he was in an unfamiliar room but then he remembered last night and now he remembered why he woke up, someone was crying. He got out of bed and followed the noise to Louis’ room.

He gently opened the door and saw Louis crying on his floor and a yellow stain on the mattress. Harry sighed and walked in the room. “Louis,” he called softly. Louis startled. He was going to jump up and wipe his tears off and tell whoever it was he was fine and to get out. But when he turned around and saw Harry, for some reason, all that stopped and he stayed on the floor crying like a baby. He didn’t know why Harry did this to him.

“What’s going on?” Harry asked gently walking closer to the boy.

“Ma-eye bed,” he sobbed and pointed to the wet spot.

“That’s ok,” Harry said.

“ ‘M not uh bay-bee,” Louis mumbled as Harry crouched down next to him.

“Uh huh,” Harry responded. “Can you clean yourself up? Or do you need help?”

Louis wiped at his eyes and pouted, “not a baby.”

“Yes, but everyone needs help sometimes. Why don’t you take a shower while I clean this up. Is that ok?” Harry asked calmly. Louis nodded but didn’t move. Harry smiled and grabbed him by the hands and pulled Louis up off the floor.

Louis started walking to the bathroom, when he reached the bathroom door he felt kind of normal again. He turned around and looked at Harry, “Uh thanks, Harry. You’re a good friend,” he said shyly.

“No problem, Lou,” Harry replied sweetly. Louis shut the door. Harry sighed. He looked through Louis’ gym bag and found another clean outfit, luckily. He gathered the underwear, shorts, and a shirt. He put them outside the door. Then he looked at the bed.

He took the sheets off and put them in the hamper. He heard the shower going. He opened the door, he put the new outfit on the counter, and gathered up the old clothes. He threw them in the hamper. He carried the hamper down to the laundry room and started a load.

When he was done with that he walked around downstairs to see what the damage was from last night. The place was trashed. Nothing was broken, except for the picture frame, thankfully. Harry sighed, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and saw that it was blown up with texts from his friends, asking where he was, telling him they slept at his house, and finally that half of them left early the morning and the other half were waiting for him.

He went to the kitchen and replied. He told Jack, Taylor, Zayn, and Kendall that he was at Louis’ and wanted breakfast before they left. He then went to his contacts and called Louise, she was the house manager for the Tomlinson and Style’s estate.

* Hello ? * Louise answered.

“Hi, Louise. It’s Harry Styles, how are you?” he asked with a smile on his face

* I know who it is, sweetie. I am good, how are you ?* she asked.

“I’m doing good. I need a little favor but you can’t tell my parents or Louis’”

She sighed, * oh goodness, you threw a party ?*

“Well Louis actually threw the party, but some of my friends stayed at my place,” Harry explained

* Is anything on fire or windows broken ?* She asked.

“No, only trash, like everywhere and the bathrooms need to be cleaned and the sheets washed. Really it just needs to look as good as new by Memorial day so the rents don’t find out,” Harry explained.

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