1. The Undeniable Truth

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It was a week before summer break, meaning sophomore year was coming to an end. Kids should be excited for vacation, it's three months off of school! But no one looks forward the end of sophomore year. On the last day of school every one has to get tested for their classification.

They did testing at the end of the year so that everyone had the summer to adjust to their new life, if it was a change. There were five major classifications; Alpha's, Omega's, Generals (Gens), Caretakers, and Littles. For Junior and Senior year everyone went to a different building for school, it was sectioned off for every classification. It made sure to fit everyone's needs.

So now the Sophomore class was walking around dreading the end of the year. Louis Tomlinson, the star soccer player, was trying not to think about it. He wanted to have as much fun with his friends before none of them saw each other for three months. Not they couldn't see each other it was just rare because everyone is trying to adjust.

"So what time tonight?" Niall asked Louis as he walked up to his locker.

Louis smiled, "I don't know, how about nine," Louis replied turning around to look at Niall.

"Are you sure we're not gonna get caught?" Niall worried.

"My family doesn't go to the beach until Memorial Day," Louis said as they started walking to lunch.

"Yea, and that's in like two weeks," Niall reminded him.

"Yea, but even if we do, this is normal. Everyone gets smashed the weekend before classification. So even if we do get caught they won't care," Louis told him.

"Yea, I guess you're right. Did you invite Harry?" Niall asked.

"No, why?" Louis asked.

"What happened between you two?"

"Nothing, we just grew apart like people do," Louis said.

"Then invite him," Niall said.

Louis opened his mouth to protest but Niall gave him a look and he realized he had no reply. Louis sighed, "Fine, I'll ask him. But he probably won't come."

Louis and Harry weren't enemies but they weren't friends either. They both lived in the wealthy small town all their lives, have known each other just as long. As the got older they drifted apart. Louis got more into sports and Harry got more into his studies and jetting around the world to famous camps during the summers. He and his friends were the artsy kids in their class.

Louis and Niall parted ways once they got to the cafeteria, Niall went over to the soccer table and Louis went over to Harry, who was sitting alone reading a book. Louis sat down across from Harry and he didn't even look up. "Whatcha reading?" Louis asked.

"Tolstoy," Harry replied without looking up.

"Cool, thinking about your classification?"

Harry smiled and looked up, "a bit personal don't you think?"

"Do you have friends?" Louis asked.

Harry laughed, "yes Louis I have friends. Are you worried about your classification?"

Louis shook his head, "nope, I know what I am."

"Really, and what are you?"

"A general. So i'm nothing," he started laughing to himself.

"What's so funny?" Harry asked with a smile on his face.

"I'm nothing but you can't be nothing," Louis laughed and Harry joined in.

"You're right, you can't be nothing. But, uh, don't get your hopes up, ok? People are shocked all the time when they find out. I don't want you to get hurt."

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