Chapter 33

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ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 32

꧁ℝ𝕠𝕙𝕒𝕟'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍꧂

"Mmmm." I groaned and stretched my arms still lying on the bed. I glided my arms along the other side of the bed expecting to feel my baby there but it was empty. I opened my eyes with a frown. I settled myself on my elbows trying to peep around if she was here somewhere but all I felt was an eerie silence. I got up in a sitting position to get my phone but I found a letter under it. I switched my phone on only to know that it was past 12 in the noon.

'I had a wonderful sleep I guess......Is this a love letter? Seriously?!'

I took the note in my hand with a smile but the further I read my smile faltered.

'She left.'

My hands were shivering, my head felt dizzy, my eyes started stinging with tears and in no time tears were already gliding down my cheeks.

'She can't leave me.'

My thoughts were fogged by all the negative emotions I had ever felt. My chest tightened, my heart felt heavy, it felt as if someone was blocking my airways.

"SHE CAN'T LEAVE ME!!" I screamed at the top of lungs. I threw the pillows on the marble floor.

"SHE CAN'T LEAVE ME!" I pulled down the blankets to the floor. The mattress was half on the bed and half lying on the floor. The carpets we're long gone because of me kicking them like football. The curtains along with the metal stick fell with a cling.

"SHE CAN'T LEAVE ME!" I pulled the side table and soon it met the floor with a loud bang. I swinged my arms on the other tables making all the vases and other decorative artefacts scatter on the floor. My arm got hurt and it was bleeding an uncomfortable amount of blood but I gave no mind to any of it. The burn I felt in my heart over-shadowed all other physical pains I would have normally felt.

My foot hit the couch making me fall on the floor on my knees. I started throwing everything my hand could get a hold of.

"She- can't leave- me-" My voice choked multiple times due to the amount of crying and screaming I had done in just a few minutes. My hands felt a metallic chain like object, I raised my hand to throw it across the room but a mere glimpse of what it was had me stuck in a daze.

It was the same bracelet Taara always worn eversince I had seen her. I remember once asking her the reason and she simply replied with a 'its my favorite, I have never found anything like this in any other shop or market.' I knew she held it really close to her then why would she leave it here? There is no way she could forget her favourite. Almost immediately it clicked me, she left it for me, a reassurance that she is not gone forever.

Indeed she left but she never said she would never comeback. Just a simple hope that I could see her again helped me get a hold of myself. When I finally calmed down after about half an hour of trying to normalize my breathing with my eyes closed I was finally able to think things through.

I realised that once again I did the exact same thing that had distanced Taara from me. This was the exact same thing Taara had been talking about in the letter, the fact of me loosing my control on my emotions that had ended up ruining not just our room but our happiness as well. Many people I met told me that a little bit of anger problem in a man is wonderful or it was hot but that is far from reality, anger issues be it in a girl, boy, man, woman, child whoever it may be it can only drive people away from you and eventually you reach a point where you are all alone. My anger issues had drove away everyone that I had loved more than myself be it Rhea or Taara. My parents never left me maybe because I was their responsibility as their child, they were always the ideal parents.

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