Chapter 1

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"I killed her. I killed my mother."

"You killed her?" The green haired boy nods as he fidgets under The Detective's calculating gaze. "But she died during a villian attack."

"The only reason she was there in the first place, was because of me. I killed her and she knows it too. That's why she hates me. That's why she's gone."

Sucking in a breath the detective sits up a little straighter. "I'm sure she doesn't hate you. She gave her life trying to protect you after all."

"But she does hate me." Izuku whines, so desperately trying to get The Detective to understand. "If she didn't hate me she would be with me right now, but even after she died I haven't seen her once. She probably took the first chance she could to go straight up to heaven, away from me." Why? Why can't he understand? Why does no one ever understand?

"I'm sure she's looking over you now, wanting nothing but the best for you."

The boy looks up, gritting his teeth. "What aren't you getting? She hates me! She hasn't visited me once since she died. If she didn't leave for heaven as soon as she possibly could, then she's probably still roaming the earth somewhere as far as she can possibly be. Away. From. Me."

The detective shakes his head, pity laced in his voice. That only angers Izuku even more. "You shouldn't blame yoursel-"

"Do you think I'm insane?"


"Do you also think I'm insane?" He repeats. "Are my words that hard to follow? Do you also think I'm weird? Useless? She fought all her life trying to prove that I'm sane, that I'm perfectly fine. She died trying to prevent me being sent to an asylum. Are you going to take me away? Are you going to put me back in the madhouse? She might hate me but I know she wouldn't want her struggles to be in vain, not again."

"Midoriya please calm down."

"Not until you promise not to take me away!" Izuku says now, tears pooling in his eyes as panic courses through his whole body. "Tell me that you don't think I'm crazy, tell the truth don't lie." The detective stays silent.

"Your not insane kid." A new voice enters the room, both the teen and detective turn to see a man walking into the interrogation room. "You've just been exploited and used for others' selfish gains, I don't know who told you that you're crazy but I know you're not." Judging from the voice it was easy to tell it was Aizawa.

"Then why have people been telling me I'm insane my whole life?" The boy questions, not bothering to look at the new addition to the room as he takes a seat next to the detective. "If you really don't think I'm insane then why did you try and take away the one person who accepted me for me?"

"Because that one person was a villian who doesn't care about you at all." The underground hero says matter of factly, as if he couldn't give a crap about Izuku or how he feels in that moment. "Just the money you make him."

"So what?" Izuku leans forward in his chair, a snarl on his face and fingers laced on the table. "Do you care about me anymore than he does? You lied to me and tricked me as well."

"Don't be so hard on him." The boy snaps his head towards the new voice, a pale blue haired teen appearing in his view. In his anger Izuku hadn't registered the ghost standing by Aizawa's side. "He's trying to help you, not harm you. It physically hurt him every time he lied to you."

Izuku sends the ghost anything but a friendly glare. "Last time I checked you're a ghost not an empath."

"Who's he talking to?"

"Not exactly sure."

Izuku grits his teeth. "I hate this." He says. "Just take me back to the doctor."

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