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"Everyone to the living room now!" Price's voice came from downstairs, he sounded angry almost frightened something bad must have happened. After gathering your hoodie from the bed you made your way downstairs being met with Johnny and Simon that were already by the table. Gaz joined only a few seconds after you. All eyes were focused on Price interested in what he had for the group. You couldn't deny it but the frightened taste in Price's words made your adrenaline already pump up, heart beating up to your neck. 

"Laswell talked to me this morning she did some digging about shepherd." He stopped, meeting the gaze from everyone in the room before taking in a deep breath. "After Graves was pronounced KIA the shadow company basically vanished the soldiers either went home or moved over to Shepherds personal Guards." Once again he stopped his words. Face painted white while you could swear there was smoke coming out of his head from the way he was trying to find the right wording. "Laswell found intel about a Prison" His gaze shot over to Soap and Ghost both looking back knowing somehow what he is talking about. 

"Some of our men are being held captive there probably have been for years. We only found out about the situation due to shepherds betrayal and his office being unattended. "Who is being held there captain?" You asked visible confused about the whole situation. "Roach." 

The name set something free in the room, Ghosts eyes larger than usual. All off the sudden he started to wobble on his feet sitting down in shock. "Captain don't bullshit me, I saw him die". His words filled with sudden aggression. "I know how this sounds Ghost but I am not bullshitting you for gods sake." The situation got more headed by the second the two men glaring at each other. Who ever that Roach guy was he must have meant a lot to Ghost. Going off from his reaction. 

"We need to free him!" His voice now loud. Adrenaline quickly overcoming him ruining his normally calm and clear thoughts. "do you have a fucking death wish?? We need to plan it after all. Its going to take weeks to get the reinforcements to do this. You know how fucked up that Prison is Ghost"

"You should know how fucked up it is John, He was there this whole time these whole years. Imagine how it is for him. Don't pussy me with your bullshit now we freed you as a duo back then and yet you never complained" You looked between the two men, watching as the argument continued. "And yet you almost fucking died Simon, we can't be fucking risking it". Looking over to Soap you saw him already stood up ready to breach in as soon as they are going after each others neck. 

"Don't Simon me, I'm getting him back alone if I have to". With that Ghost stood up and walked upstairs. Literally punching his door open. 

"i'll try and knock some sense into him" Soap vanished shortly after following Ghost upstairs in hope to get a clearer picture of the situation. It all escalated fast, as soon as the man was spoken about Ghost wasn't like the type he normally was. Neither you and gaz knew who Roach was, making the whole situation just much more confusing. 

"I need some fucking air". Price also left the room Gaz quick to follow him leaving you alone on the couch. Overwhelmed by the emotions in the room you stood up your feet bringing you upstairs to where Ghost and Soap were seated. Seeing Ghost so frustrated and angry about the person being hold captive knocked the last bit of sense out of you. You knew you needed to help him, Simon would leave eventually going there on his own. Signing his clear death on the way. 

Your hand moved to the doorknob twisting it and moving the wooden door to the side before taking a swift look at Ghost and then Soap. "When are we leaving?". 

Closing the behind you again you were met with surprised looks again. "What do you mean?" 

Ghost shifted his look to Soap confused by his question. "Well Simon is going anyway so i'll come with him. I am not going to let him get killed alone." 

Soap only took a deep breath in calming himself. "Listen that place isn't easy to handle we can't be sure what to expect now. You especially should know that Simon its been 11 years since we have been there and even that wasn't the finest thing to take." 

Silence filled the tight space, only the shifting of clothes making a noise. "Johnny I need him back, I am the reason he didn't make it out fast enough you weren't there you couldn't see what I saw. You can't feel what I am feeling, even if I am going to lose my head there I know that I at least tried to get him back to me." Simon spoke calm, neediness in his voice. "I'm leaving tonight, I am not trying to get you two to join me. It wouldn't be fair from my side. Just cover for me I won't be taking long." 

A million thoughts running through your head, you are going to come with him. That was glass clear to you. But a bitter feeling made itself big in your head. What if its all just to get 1-4-1 there and kill them. What if that Roach guy isn't even alive and it really is just a trick. Maybe he is alive but how will you make it out of there knowing that he probably is weak too the bones, heavily traumatized even. Only thing picture clear was that it will be risky. Nothing that was manageably with only 2 people. 

"I'm in". Ghost nodded to Johnny. Hugging him tightly. "Me too, lets get him back". You also got pulled into the hug, two strong arms having you and Johnny pulled tightly against the taller. "we are going to make it out there alive I promise. Even if I have to pay the price". 

"There is a weapons stash by the old Safe house we didn't have enough time to clear it all out, After we leave we can make our way back there grab everything needed and then take the wheels. I can talk to nick if he could help us out and at least get us close to the Prison." With that said, Ghost pulled out two of the Ghost Team masks giving them to you and Soap. "We leave tonight. Meet me midnight by the car" 

What you three didn't know was that Gaz was standing by the door the whole time ear pressed against the wooden door. Was he going to tell Price and let their entire plan fall into the water? 


We are getting Roach back yayy if he is even alive. Now Gaz better not pull a snitch on them three. At leats not if his life is worth something to him. 

How would you handle Gaz's current situation? Join them or tell Price to safe their asses knowing that you require at least a dozen death wishes to go to that place alone.  
I'm not sure what I would do tbf. 

Reaper, Ghost and Soap slay as a Team. 

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