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"get down" Soap says and lays flat on the ground. You follow his order confused. "What is wrong?" 

"They knew we would come here" He points at a pile of heavy guards surrounding the Tower. "We can't take them all out. We'll wait until it's night to surprise them" He grabbed the Sniper riffle off of your back to get a better look. "About 15 of them, we'll fall back for now, let Price know" 

You and Soap walk further back, and you grab your intercom. "Reaper to Price how copy " You wait a second hearing the familiar voice answer "Price Copy, do you have updates on the Intel?" 

"Intel collected, tower is surrounded by at least 15 men, we will fall back for now and surprise them at night." You look Soap in the eyes while giving the information through to Price. "We will send a status update in the Morning, stand by" The line was quiet for a few second before Price started talking again. 

"Stay safe out there, I want an update first thing in the morning, If anything goes wrong fall back and take cover. Let me know immediately, so I can send out a Helicopter." He was concerned you could tell by the way the talked. "Copy that captain." 

"Let's go, we got mountains about 11 clicks away from us, it is the safest option for now." Soap walked in front of you making sure the way is safe, it was a long and nasty walk, your body was covered in dirt, the sand itching under your clothes. The walk-up hill was even worse, your knees started to buckle under your weight. Tired from the action your arm found its way over Soaps shoulder. Soap was tired his breath heavy, he put an arm around you to help take his weight off your feet. "Only a little bit more" He said, his lips slightly parted to allow his heavy breaths to escape. 

As he found a spot you let yourself fall to the ground. "You're killing me Johnny" You looked at him your eyes heavy. "Here drink something" He handed you a water bottle. "God the things i could do to you right now MacTavish" He turned around a chuckle leaving his lips as you lifted the mask up and took a sip from the water. 

"Let's light a fire, it's freezing here at night" Soap walked around collected a few things and building a small fire place before lighting it. "When are we going to attack?" You watched as he took off his shoes and put them by the camp fire. "at around 03:00 am, we have another 6 hours to spare" 

Your eyes looked in the fire watching it dance as the night surrounded you and Soap, The cold leaving goosebumps over your body. "What are you thinking about?" He sat down next to you, Letting his arm wrap around your shoulder. "The first night after you crashed" Your head heavy leaning against his warm shoulder. "I'm here y/n I'll keep you safe" His fingers started stroking over your skin "You're not alone tonight" His voice soft. 

"it might sound silly but" Your eyes finding his "You remind me of Eve from Wall-E, you walk into my life all serious and then after you stop showing me the cold shoulder you started showing me the good things in life. Taking me away from my boring life, I am like Wall-E having one consist mission in my Life until you show up and make me view life from a whole different perspective all over again. You give me a reason to take the extra step." 

"if it wasnt for you, I would have fought against the guards, but keeping you safe and protecting you has been my priority all this time. I know you can't give back what I feel for you, but it won't stop me from telling you how special you are to me." his eyes meeting yours once again, his expression became sad near the end. His smile slightly faded. "Johnny I-" Your eyes were large staring into his, shock running over your body. "It's okay, y/n get some rest we have a long day a head." His lips placed a soft kiss on the fabric covering the top of your head before he pulled you closer, his heart beating fast. 

You closed your eyes knowing you wouldn't be able to fall asleep after his words. he looked at the both of you like Wall-E and Eve, The little robot having one mission to clean the whole earth from the rubbish humanity produced, having no one except his best friend the roach. After Eve stepped into his life he was giving a whole new mission, protecting what his heart desired the most. "Johnny?" 

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