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you fiddled with the radio letting it hum some songs quietly. "Captain?" The man hummed as a reply indicating that he is listening. "How long do you think this will be going on for?" You asked looking at him. Gaz shifted again now listening to the conversation more focused. "I don't know really we need to get rid of Shepherd thats for sure. Else we will never find peace in this messed up world". 

"its considered a war crime John you know that we can't just get rid of him" You said. stating the obvious facts. It seems to be a circle of hell if Shepherd isn't dead he won't make stop before he is sure the whole of 141 is dead. If hes going to be executed by one of them they are signing their sure dead or worse life in prison as war criminals. "by all respect what if we make it look like an accident" The voice came from the back seat. "What do you mean by that son". Price was visible interested in the idea as he also knew that there was no good outcome to their current situation. "we know shepherd is hiding somewhere we find him and as y/n used to work for him she goes undercover pretending that we had hold her captured this long and then we sat a trap in which he walks in and gets killed." Silence flooded the small room of the car only the radio humming in the background. "That is too risky she is still hurt and if anything goes wrong we can't just walk in there and help her." 

You let the thoughts slip through your mind. Being able to have shepherd die through your hands make him suffer for all the pain you and the rest of the task force suffered would be amazing. Already feeling a familiar feeling build up in your stomach. "It not a bad idea though captain, I can do it the bullet wound would be enough proof he doesn't have to know that I suffered it from one of the shadows." It was silent once again. "Thats my final answer"


The rest of the car ride was quiet finally arriving at another house hours away from the safe house they got caught in. Johnny had pulled you close after he as well got out of the car he was driving in. The house was beautiful it looked old and muddy from the outside but beautifully decorated from the inside it had enough room so that only two people had to share a bathroom by one of the bedrooms which you occupied with Johnny. The bed was also a dream softer than any you had gotten back in the base. 

TW: Mention of Sex please skip the other TW: text, if you would rather not read any smut related topics

Your hands fiddled with the duffel bag you had thrown next to the bed pulling out leggings and a longer T-shirt which would cover up the outlines of your body. Two strong arms wrapped around your waist squeezing you tightly. "Hey gorgeous"  His voice was low sending a shiver down your back. "Hey handsome" A smile formed on your lips as you turned around in his arms now standing close to him. Arms wrapped around his neck your lips collided with his puling both of you into a black Hole of emotions as the tension started to build up. He walked the both of you back having you drop on the bed with a tud. He walked back locking the door to have the needed privacy. You leaned back on your elbows watching him with a smirk signing your lips. His hands fiddled with the fabric of his t-shirt before pulling it over his head revealing his scarred upper body. Breath being stuck in your throat for a second from barely looking at him made his smirk just grow much larger. He made his way back over opening your legs in a swift motion before leaning down between them attacking your lips again. The kiss was heated this time more passion floating through your bodies. 

His hands hovered over your body finally making their way under your shirt. "Johnny please" a whimper escaping your lips as the clothes started to feel unecesary. "Please what baby" eyes locked into yours the blue in them growing dark. It was the first time you two have got intimate in a long time so far he only ever got down on you, making you feel good. You would argue that you weren't jealous that you haven't seen him fully unclothes yet. "I want you... please" He started to grin again pulling your shirt off your head not taking a second longer until your bra followed. His lips made their way over your skin leaving soft kisses down to your breasts. His lips quickly made contact with your nipple sucking and biting softly while his free hand massaged the other. Whimpers escaped your mouth heat radiating down by your core. Just the soft touches he left made your head spin in arousal. 

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