Finally, The Twins

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I pouted and she laughed at me before turning to go meet with her closest friend Emily. I never knew why she was so against the book. Maybe it was because it reminded her of the family that she lost, or maybe it was because she blamed herself for the destruction of the planet. Whatever the reason, she shuts down any ideas of me going after it.

It wasn't until she was completely gone that I allowed myself to think about what I had just seen.

I knew Sibyl was partners with Katianna, but I didn't know she was the one to speak. The one to encourage the crowd of poor, unaware souls who didn't know their plans for destruction.

My sister, my twin, was up there. And she didn't even recognize me. Those eyes should have grown or, at the very least, crinkled in anger. But in them, I saw nothing but confusion. The girl that I grew up with didn't even know who I was. In a way, that's worse than the fact that I have sentenced myself to death by going up there.

But hey, I had to show them that they weren't the only ones. I had to show them that I had access to the same things that they did. Katianna wasn't aware of my contacts. She wasn't aware of the things that I could get a hold of. If only she knew, maybe she would think twice about trying to control the world.


"I'm not changing my decision," Katianna declared after much pleading for her to call Samson back.

"Please, Kate. She's my sister and I have to protect family at all costs," I begged again.

She just laughed at my statement. "If I remember correctly, you came to me because you hated them. You agreed to join my cause, which means you agreed to the price that comes with it. Family is a part of that price."

"But she's my sister," I whispered to myself quietly. Katianna didn't hear me, and if she did, she didn't care. She moved right along to the next order of business.

"So I've been hearing rumors that some old members from the Hunters are grouping together again to try to overthrow us. Any ideas on what to do about that?" She asked like the previous conversation never happened.

I just shook my head no. It was times like these that I really hated her. She didn't care about the past and she didn't think about the consequences of her actions. Then, when something newer and bigger came along, she'd forget all about the first thing and it's importance. I loved her, but at the same time, I hated her.

She pulled out the book that amazed me on the first day we met and flung it open. Then, she recited some words in it to call one of our closest allies.

"Good to see you again," he said when the calling process was complete.

Katianna smiled deviously. "You as well. I have something that I need you to do."

Carlos grinned and stared into Katianna's eyes like he always did when he arrived. It was like they could hold a single conversation just between the two of them and their pupils. I never understood it.

"Okay. What is it you need me to do?" He asked as he sat down on the rug with his legs tucked underneath him. He looked so small and almost childlike in that position. Which was ironic, considering he was probably the only being more powerful than Kate.

Katianna paced circles around the dark angel before finally sitting beside him and whispering her request in his ear. As usual, I didn't get to hear what she wanted him to do. Kate never included me in her plans until they were already in motion. I didn't know why. Did she think I wasn't to be trusted? That I would screw it up? I had been working with her for over two years now. I've seen her do things that no other human could be able to comprehend. If I was going to betray her, wouldn't I have done it already?

When Kate pulled away, Carlos just stared at her in fascination, wonder held in his gaze. "Do you seriously want me to do that?" She bit her lip and nodded her head. He chuckled and rose from the ground. "I guess I better get to it then."

With that, he patted down his pants to remove dust from the floor and sauntered out of our house.

"What are you planning?" I questioned. She glared at me in response. I knew I shouldn't have asked, but my curiosity got the best of me.

"Oh sweetheart, haven't you learned to mind your own business?" She spoke with a sharp bitterness that shook over me.

Then, with a strange and unusual burst of confidence, I laughed. Loud, bubbly, maniacal laughter exploded from deep within my lungs. "Mind my own business? This is my business. It always has been!" I choked out the words between the fits of my laughter. "In fact, I think you should learn to mind your business."

Without realizing what I was doing until it was too late, I yanked a prized possession of hers off of the table beside her and ran out of the door that Carlos exited from just moments before. I could hear Kate calling after me. I could feel the rush of her feet as she tried to chase me down, but it was no use. I was faster. Stronger. More durable. Katianna had trained me to lead a nation, but she had also taught me how to run and fight like a soldier. Maybe she should have picked up those skills herself.

"If you don't come back here, I'm going to curse you and your family!" She screamed from behind me.

Immediately, I stopped and turned to face her. Widening my grin, I held up her "magic" book. "How are you going to do anything without this?"

For the second time that day, I saw true fear and wonder in her eyes. She hadn't realized I had taken the thing that contained all of her power. "Bring that back right now," she hissed.

Again, I laughed. "You'll have to kill me first." And then I was running again. Only this time, I couldn't sense her behind me.

I was now in power and without her book, Katianna was nothing.

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