Finally, The Twins

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After her declaration of powers, the brave girl turned and left our stadium. Katianna just stood there, furious about what just happened. The rest of crowd was in awe. No one had ever stood up to her, and no one had ever shown powers before.

Every human being in the building was silent. It was the most uncomfortable silence that I have ever experienced in my entire life. I felt shocked and extremely uncertain about the Fate Kate had told me about, so I could only imagine what she was thinking at this moment.

It didn't even occur to me until later that my twin sister, whom I haven't spoken to since her wedding three years ago, just upset the balance of the Earth.

Finally, Kate turned behind her to look at Lord Samson who was hiding behind the stage. "Sam, I want her dead."

At those words, he sprung up from behind and ran out of the stadium to kill the mystery girl. That was when it became clear that it was Wanika who had spoken out against our leader and it was Wanika who had killed those guards with a single touch. It was my Wanika, my twin sister, that Lord Samson was sent to kill.

That thought didn't sit right with me.

"Katianna, don't you think that's a little harsh?" I whispered to Kate, trying not to let the Kallians see my emotion.

Kate laughed. "Of course it is, but why should you care? You don't feel anything."

With that, she turned and finished addressing our followers.

Kate was right about one thing, I didn't feel anything. When I thought about my family, all I felt was a bleak blackness. But that didn't stop me from realizing that killing her was wrong. That didn't stop me from understanding that the death of my sister would mean the death of us as well.



"You should have seen the look on her face when the guards dropped dead," I said to my closest friend Tanya.

Before, I didn't even know Tanya existed. It's actually kind of a funny story. Years ago, I was a part of an elite group of people called the Hunters. We would track down, or "hunt," humans that had inhuman powers. There was this list of names that we had to protect at all costs because we believed that they would save the world one day. A group of people called the Answers didn't like what we were doing, so they made it their life's goal to kill off the names on our list. It was a big organization, but it all came to an end when a close friend betrayed us.

Tanya laughed. "I would love to have seen it, but I haven't registered. I can't go anywhere near Kallians until I do so."

"Ha, don't worry about that," I explained. "You know Samson and Aria wouldn't kill you because you know me. And anyways, you could be just as powerful as them if you would only let me go after that book."

I'd been trying to get my hands on her late grandmother's ancient "spell book." Not because I wanted to do "magic" or whatever, but because I was pretty sure that it would contain some information I could use to contact the one who betrayed us. Of course, I hadn't told her this. She had this idea that I was the most respectable person in the world and I never wanted to ruin that.

Plus, the book wasn't in our possession. At one point in time, Emily and Tanya had it. They used it to become the legendary Hunters that trapped Answerman James in Hell. But it was tragically stolen the same day they trapped him.

The worst part is, no one even knew it was stolen until we went to go find it to send back Carlos.

"You know how I feel about that," she responded, rolling her eyes. "As long as I'm alive, we're not getting it."

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