"I forgive you," she breathed close to his ear.

The words seemed to register as he wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly against him. He buried his face in her neck.

She was overwhelmed. She'd missed him so much.

"I don't deserve you," he whispered.

Riyo had never heard him sound so... broken. Her heart shattered for him.

They stood like that for a few minutes, holding onto each other for strength, each second that passed mending a bit of the hurt that had been between them.

...That was until someone cleared their throat making them pull away again. Riyo turned her head and found Teppei there, looking incredibly uncomfortable. Her face instantly heated.

"Erhm... We were wondering what was taking so long..." he said. "Kuroko and Kagami are still waiting outside."

"Right. Sumimasen." Riyo's mind was still reeling after their kiss. "We should go."

She tried to walk on her own but putting her full weight on her injured leg nearly had her toppling over. She grunted but kept the string of curse words from escaping her lips.

Aomine looked like he was going to lift her up again. Riyo scowled at him and waved a finger in front of his face. "Don't even think about it."

Teppei let out a bark of laughter that had her narrowing her eyes at him.

"Stop smirking, and lend me a hand, will you?" she demanded, instantly feeling a hint of regret for speaking to her upperclassman that way.

Fortunately, Teppei didn't seem to mind. The dependable Seirin center was quick to offer her his shoulder and with his help walking wasn't that bad. Though, Aomine looked like he wanted to bite Teppei's head off before he stalked off ahead of them. The glare he'd aimed at the boy who was supporting Riyo had been nothing short of murderous.

"I see you decided to forgive him," Teppei said once Aomine was out of earshot.

"Mm. I probably should've burnt the note."

She hoped she wouldn't end up regretting letting him back in. Riyo wasn't convinced she could make it through losing him ever again.

Teppei held the door open for her. "I could be wrong, but I do think he's different around you. He's not as cold."

Before Riyo could disagree Kagami yelled, "THEY DIDN'T GIVE YOU CRUTCHES?!"

Riyo and Teppei had barely made it two steps out the door and a few passersby going into the hospital shot them dirty looks.

"No. The doctor said that the exercise helps strengthen the muscles," Riyo explained. "Plus, I think they want to reserve the crutches for those who absolutely need them."

"Eh? But you can't even walk!" Kagami argued waving his hands at her and Teppei who still had an arm around her, steadying her. "We should go back and make them--"

"They should've given you crutches," Aomine stated.

"OI! Don't interrupt me!"



Riyo interrupted, "Guys! It's okay. I'll walk just fine in a few days."

She hoped.

Kuroko was eyeing her and Aomine but he didn't say anything. Still, he appeared to know something had changed between them. It was almost as if he could see everything that had happened in the past half an hour written all over their faces.

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