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Name: Crimson Kurenai (Previously: Rein Xanders)

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Name: Crimson Kurenai (Previously: Rein Xanders)

Age: 10 (Currently)

Family Members:
Blake Kurenai (Father)
Anne Kurenai (Mother)
Mayla Akaii (Aunt)
Kein Akaii (Uncle)
Red Akaii (Cousin)
Fay Akaii (Aunt)
Chase Akaii (Cousin)
Elaine Akaii (Cousin)

Titles: Reincarnated Person, Pokèmon Trainer, Shiny Hunter

Nationality: American

Likes: Red, Food, Quietness, Pokèmon, Training, Pokèmon Battles, Danger

Dislikes: Abuse, Bullies, Conflict, Loud Noises, Red getting harmed, Pokèmon abusers, Team Rocket, Thieves, Murderers, Being Underestimated, Being Called Weak

Mature, Kind, Introverted, Smart, Protective over Red (Mikasa, that you..?), Witty, A bit Sarcastic, Cold To Strangers, Likeable, Straightforward, A bit Stoic, Manipulative (For Good Reasons)

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That's all, I couldn't think anything else, so sorry (◞‸◟ㆀ)ˢᵒʳʳʸ.

Anyways, see you on the next chapter!

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