Ariana's New Boss

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I am glad we got everything resolved and SIP's employees were finally integrated into Grey Publishing and the Hotel is nearly completed thanks to Elliott sending a crew over to complete it. Mom's charities are up and running in the other building. We have a gala coming up and I dread it. Roz and Gwen are enjoying my pain. Elliott is bringing a date, but Mia and I are going it alone. I am sure mom has something planned to assure we meet single people at the Gala. Apparently this Gala will include all our employees and be held in one of the banquet halls at Heartbreak Hotels grand opening. The invitations were sent to all GEH employees by emails from Roz's office. Soon it was all four banquet halls for the party.

Belinda Moore accepted my invitation to the Gala at Heartbreak Hotel of all places. She is a model and was in the area to do a few shoots for book covers. She was sitting alone in a coffee shop when I introduced myself to her and we hit it off. I am taking her to the Gala. I am unsure of the dress since all the GEH employees are invited to it. It is also the grand opening of Heartbreak Hotel. The place has various Elvis Presley themes around it and sone rooms are available for the true Elvis fans. I have seen them and I think they are going to get a lot of reservations for them.

I am going to be sitting by Christian and there are various auctions of items that were donated. Some include collectors items along with Elvis memorabilia as well. I have a dress for it, but mom said nothing too fancy since it includes all the employees we don't want to overdo. So I am wearing a conservative dress from a catalog and wear it. Basic heels, nothing high end. I watch as a petite brunette walks in in a designer dress with designer everything on. I bet her perfume is designer as well. That clutch is designer and barely holds anything. I turn my head to say something to Christian and see him watching a brunette wearing a simple black dress with a black clutch and black one inch heels. Wait did she change clothing that fast. It is the same girl just in a different outfit.

Belinda Moore
Elliott and I walk in and I feel like a million dollars standing by him. He escorts us to his family's table. I am introduced to his mom, dad, brother and sister. The others are his COO Roz and her wife and a couple of other people. Security is all around tonight. The hotel is amazing. Elliott took me on a tour of it. We might christen the penthouse tonight. If we make it there. We are dressed conservatively sexy. My dress has a black lace overlay and flesh colored underneath it that looks like skin, matching purse and heels. The necklace drops between my cleavage and drop earrings. Elliott is in a black suit, black shirt and tie is black as well. Shoes are black with black shoelaces.

I must say Elliott brought a nice looking date, hope she is a nice person to. I think I am seeing things because there are brunette's that either are twins or one keeps changing clothing. I decide they are twins. I tell Grace to look at the girls and she says they definitely are twins there is no doubt about it. Each are sitting at different tables though.

Oh they are twins we hired Anastasia Steele the one in the simple dress first. When we bought SIP Ariana Steele her sister was working there and we kept her on staff in her same position. So they both work at Grey Publishing. Anastasia was almost made Ariana's boss until HR realized they were twins and it would not be a good idea. So Ariana is working under another editor. Anastasia is working in ebooks part of publishing and Ariana is on the hard copy book side.

They seem to be very different from one another except in looks. I mean look at how they mingle. I swear I think the one is trying to put the moves on the guys at her table. The other one is fending off the guys at her table. Roz tells us Anastasia is the one fending off the guys, Ariana is the one making moves on the guys.

We are all watching both of them and Christian realizes they are very different in personality and he stares for a moment and says nothing. I think he has seen these girls before and possibly interacted with them at some point.

The auctions start and they ask that the single men and women sign up for their first dance to be auctioned off. Ladies first dance goes first the mens go second. A lot of singles sign up for the dance auctions because of it being for charity. Mia drags Christian, Elliott, and Belinda up to the stage. It is funny to watch the men get their first dance auctioned off. Roz is laughing at the looks on the singles on stage's looks. The bids are getting nice amounts. Elliott was bringing a nice amount and then Christian got a higher bid. The Steele twins were bid on by the same guy. I don't think I know him. Roz wasn't thrilled about him winning either of them. It turns out he is their father Raymond Steele. He arrived late and had to sit at another table. He spent twenty thousand dollars for each of his daughters.

I thought he was a dirty old man winning both the girls first dance but after seeing them hug him and kiss his cheeks, we noticed they looked similar to him. Roz said his age is right and the military stance fits as well. The background checks on them had his age and the guy seems to act like their father in his behavior towards them both.

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