Another one!?

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*The dark void slowy brightened*
*Out of the mist surrounding the edges emerged four people*

Yuri: And we're back here....

Bubble: Don't say such things!

Spark Bee: She's right, It's nice to be here, not so many things to worry about.

Meta: Somehow, I agree with them...

Mariska: You're exhausting all of you... *Shakes head slightly*

Spark Bee: Didn't we already agree that she was too mature?! *faving Bubble*

Bubble: Yeah I do recall saying such things...

Mariska: Urgh THAT'S ENOUGH!

*Mariska vanishes*

Yuri: Now what are we supposed to do?! Without her we can't leave. Ever though about that?

Meta: Yuri...

Spark Bee: How were we supposed to know that she would just leave us here?! *Standing protectively in front of Bubble*

Yuri: Well maybe she would still be here, if you would show some respect!

Spark Bee: How about you try to be nicer?

Meta: ENOUGH! *Meta emmits a power surge seperating the fighting girls*

Meta: *takes a few calming breaths* Yes Mariska left, but that doesn't mean that we're stuck here. And furthermore! You all fighting is another reason she left in the first place.

Meta: Now that, that is settled. Come here sit down. *Meta summons a few chairs*

*reluctantly all sit down*

Yuri: How... How did you do that?

Meta: What exactly?

Spark Bee and Bubble: The power surge , summoning the chairs

Meta: *smiling slightly* Well first of all, we're in a void of endless possibilities. And secondly it's part of my powers as Overlord.

Yuri: What do you mean with "void of endless possibilities"?

Meta: You can just about create anything in here, You can't really hurt the people in here but anyone is able to create anything in here, if one's mind is set to create something. That is if it isn't intended to hurt anyone serverly.

Mariska: *Just appeared out of no where with a smug smirk* But no, you won't be able to transport other people here, that is my privilege only.

Mariska: Glad to see, that everythings still intact.

Meta: No thanks to them...

Mariska: *Rolling her eyes* As I said, they're exhausting

Mariska: But that's not the point.

---: Hi

Bubble: Auntie?!

---: Bubs! What did I tell you, about calling me auntie?

Bubble: That i weren't supposed to...

---: *smiling*

Spark Bee: Now, who's that? *jumping into the face of the girl*

---: I'm Nissa, and you are. *booping Sparkys Nose*

Spark Bee: I'm Spark Bee but call me Sparky. *Smiles widely*

Yuri: Great another one...

Mariska: Don't you come after me. Your story is mostly finished.

Yuri: The handwritten first version, at wich you cringing at for it's writing style.

Nissa: But still, the outlines are there and alltogether it could be published.

Bubble: The grumpy one is Yuri, and the intimidating looking woman is Meta.

Bubble: *wispering* She's a demon

Nissa: *Squeaking* You're a demon?! Do you know Luce? What's it like down in hell? For some reason my brothers won't tell me.

Meta: Calm down. We've got enough time to answer all questions.

Meta: I do in fact know Lucifer, and personally for me it's fun in hell.

Nissa: Hmm, From what I read hell is build like a prison, and you're trapped there with your guilt...

Meta: *looks confused*

Mariska: Your both Characters, from fan-fictions. That dosn't mean you're in the same fandom.

Meta: *nods understanding*

Nissa: So I won't be able to visit Meta in Hell?

Mariska: *shakes her head* Looking from the current plans for you Nis. The're isn't a way.

Nissa: *sighs in dissapointment*

Spark Bee: *chrashing the current conversation* Why did Bubs call you Auntie?

Nissa: In my story the christianity, northern mythology and the greek mythology combined and with that Odin, Zeus and the christian God became one person. I was created as symbol to be a liaison between the religion and mythologies.

Spark Bee: Still didn't answer my question.

Nissa: *laughing* Loki is the adopted son of Odin and with me being a crreation of, among others, Odin. Wich technically speaking makes me Bubbles Aunt.

Mariska: Hate to break it to you, but except for Yuri *Smiles mischiefvously* you all have some things to do. Nothing major, but keeping you here would mess with your timelines.

Spark Bee: Yuri already messed with my original one, by transferring me to hers

Mariska: Yeah yeah, I know

Spark Bee: *Starts speaking, before dissapearing*

Mariska: Now, let's send you back. *claps a few times and one after another all dissapear*

Yuri: Why am I still here?

Mariska: 'Cause I can.

Yuri: Seri... *Mariska dissapears* ...ously...

Yuri: *shouting* Now what am I supposed to do here?!

Mariska: *reapearing* You didn't seriously though I would just abandon one of my creations, did you? *Smirks smugly*

Yuri: *growling* Send me back, before i injure your fleshy form

Mariska: *keeping her smile, calmly* You can't injure me and beside that, you like me too much to do so anyways.

Yuri: *continues to growl*

Mariska: How about you just try to be nice and be less anoyed by beeing here?

Yuri: Fine, I'll try for now...

Mariska: Fair enough *Yuri dissapears*

Mariska: *smiles into the vast space around here*

Mariska: *clapps, before also dissapearing*

~The void turns dark~

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