Chapter 4

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Right, let's do another one!" Gilda demanded, struggling a little to set her side of the board up again. "I'm definitely going to win this one!"

Trixie's face set into a competitive grin, and she began doing the set up as well.

As the two of them got more into the game they were playing, the game of Mousetrap continued as Starlight picked up the dice with some difficulty.

She rolled it, producing several mousy squeak noises, and the plush cube rolled to a stop on the number five.

Thickly padded mouse sleeper wiggling from side to side as she advanced, Starlight went past the similarly mouse-clad Ember to land on a new square.

"Aww, not fair!" Ember complained, as she saw the square Starlight was about to land on. "You're getting more cheese than me!"

Starlight picked up the cheese piece, and hesitated – but the allure of the incredible taste was too much, and she ate it quickly.

Every bite made her mouse costume get thicker and plumper, her diaper expanding beneath it, and when she finished Starlight groaned in pleasure.

As she sat down on her diapered rump, the other part of the square activated – adding another piece to the growing contraption in the middle of the board.

"Well," she said, belatedly responding to Ember's whine. "You – you should be in front, then!"

"I will!" Ember declared, picking up the dice and rolling it. That only produced a two, though, and she pouted before waddling forwards two spaces and sitting down.

"Not fair," she repeated, finding it hard to express herself more eloquently as she licked her lips and thought about having another slice of cheese. "You're going to get to the big cheese plate first..."

As Starlight struggled with the Dice once again, Discord was busy assembling the next part of the machine. He took a step back, rubbing his somehow oily hands with a rag as he admired his handiwork. The oversized plastic crank now tied to an enormous set of stairs where a large ball of rubber sat at the top. Starlight rolled a one, marching forward and requiring another piece to be added to the machine. As the two approached the end, the machine steadily grew larger and more complicated, Discord panting from the effort of lifting the pieces.

While their game continued, Shining was struggling to think of more words to put down on the board. He moved the letters around on his stand, scratching his head. 'CARROST'. What kind of letters were these? He couldn't make anything with them! Grumbling, he found a small spot that had yet to be taken and simply changed Cadence's 'Puff' to 'Puffs' and ended his turn.

Cadence was having similar difficulty with her letters. No matter what she tried, she couldn't seem to think of something? 'Balloon'?, No she didn't have a B. 'Swell'? No. 'Wet'? She pondered it. She did have the letters, but where would she put them? She scrunched her muzzle, rocking back on her diaper and hearing it crinkle softly as she struggled to think of more words.

Eventually, the pink Princess admitted defeat – putting two of her tiles back in the bag, shaking it around, and taking two out again. With only one other tile in the bag, she got the same ones again, and pouted in annoyance.

For her part, Twilight had to look long and hard at her letters – trying to see if there was any pattern to them at all. There didn't seem to be anywhere on the board where she could make a word, and while a few suggestions floated through her mind – 'adult', or 'smart' – she dismissed them as nonsense words almost automatically.

Finally, she saw something! Carefully taking her letters, she laid down 'infantile', then sat back on her diaper with an audible squish.

Shining moved quickly, putting an R on the end of Twilight's word, making 'infantiler', and Cadence followed that up by making it 'infantilerer' and getting a triple word score.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2023 ⏰

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