Chapter 106: Who's That?

Start from the beginning

Jin sighs, hopeless, "Do you not want to talk about your mother in the future?"

It's at least polite for him to ask and take note of his response.

And they should get up and prepare if no one is seeking them, then they would have to find someone to assist them at this hour.

Sated and in solace, Hiro sowed his nose on his skin, adoring his scent and feeling the lovely softness of his cold skin.

"I just don't want you to follow her." Nor think of her.

Frowning, the young fellow shook his head, "Are you afraid I might find her to ask questions of your extraordinary and baffling characters?"

Hiro replied with an anxious squeeze around his waist, threatened and seemingly not understanding his joke.

Wrapping his arms gently around the man, Jin strokes his fingertips against Hiro's scalp and watches how he breaks and surrenders into his embrace.


He's not that nosy to tamper with someone else's family issues.

He tilts his head and sleeps his forehead against Hiro's swept-back hair. "I am weak to face her."

Hiro's face fell at his response.

Meanwhile, Jin imagined meeting his mother and telling her he had tried to seduce his son and had been fond of straddling him in his bedroom.

With a lush chill, Jin shuddered ever thinking about personally saying that to anyone.

"No!" Immediately, Hiro denied it, and he groaned into his neck after realizing he had unconsciously raised his voice at him.

"It's okay," Jin reassured him that he wasn't startled by placing a peck on the tip of his blessed nose.

Hiro's breathing was rough, it was concerning, but it was as if he was lamenting why he misunderstood.

Jin stifles a nervous breath, trying his best to understand him. "What's not?"

What is it then?

Hiro hauls his waist and shifts, now pinning him on the bed with his scorned expression hovering inches above him, and he thrust his hips forth, pushing his thighs apart.

Jin's lips part at the pained midnight eyes above him.

Hold on—

"Never run away from me like she did to her marriage."

What's happening?

Too dumbfounded to speak, Jin covers his arms to his face, his cheeks red as pepper and his eyes left wide in shock.

God, why is this man so unpredictable?

"Hiro, w-we aren't even together yet."

Hiro held his wrists and peeked through his shyness, and Jin was surprised this time to find a charming smile on his lips.

For Pete's sake . . . He can't keep up with this man.

"Then be with me. Marry me—"

" . . . an!"

He halts and directly draws his head to the side, peeking towards the door from the other side of the room—his room.

What was that? His brows curled, "I think I heard something."

Hiro paused, and his lips thinned, displeased but not taking his eyes off the young fellow's delicate side profile.

Jin looks back at Hiro, meeting his fiery gaze. Looks like he heard it too.

One minute he was unhappy, then pleased, and now he's upset.

" . . . ji—. ."

Hearing the barely audible voice for the second time clarifies his guess. Looks like someone's really at the door. Well, it's about time for them to go.

"Ojisan!" (Uncle!)


He stares at Hiro.

"Oikitemasu ka? Ojisan!" (Are you awake? Uncle!)

Ojisan? Uncle?

Jin lets out a heavy breath, covering his mouth as he stops himself from laughing at the darkness that swept Hiro's face.

"Is ojisan here?"

They heard Haru speak outside the door. His voice sounded disappointed and upset.

"Yes, young master . . . This is—" Someone else replied but was cut off by Haru's frank answer.

"But this isn't ojisan's room."

"Y-Yes . . . It's not, so it seems."

"Then who's staying here?"

"It belongs to my lady's son."

There was a long pause before they heard Haru's scream.


"Young master, p-perhaps you should have a meal first—"

"iie!" (No) "Aniki!" (Big brother)

*soft knocking*

Jin breathes. And now he's being looked for.

Author's Note:

To more updates with you, love~

I shall return again.

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