Chapter 24: AIDAN

Start from the beginning

A few minutes later the trio is around a table that was displaying a hologram of the Earth with Void Walker briefing them on their mission.

Void Walker: "11 minutes ago there was a distress signal originating from this point in our planet's orbit." she said, a red blinking dot appearing, "Other than that however, there is no information on this ship and it hasn't responded to further hails so we may have to shoot it down."

Enty: "So ready for anything and everything." she said.

Void Walker: "Basically." she shrugged, "Also, don't worry, I'll sound proof your dorm for when you get back."

Andy and Spee turned a bright red at this as Enty gained a teasing look.

Enty: "Oh~ so Hornet wasn't lying when she said that." she said teasingly.

Andy sighed exasperatedly.

Andy: "Let's just get this mission over with please." he groaned.

So the bay doors opened as Enty floated upwards and into the air majestically before using her impulse engines to roar out of atmosphere and towards the ship currently in distress. Unknowingly missing a massive futuristic battleship being towed through the Wall's garage door.

But back up out of atmosphere Enty came alongside the crippled ship and started scanning the thing over with her sensors.

Andy: "Enty? What've we got?" he asked.

Enty: "Well.....I'm not picking up any life forms other than.....3 heart beats up in the bridge." she reported, "But....all 3 seem faint, they may be dying."

Graf Spee: "Kommandant?....Orders?" she asked nervously.

Andy took this information in...before turning to Enty.

Andy: "Gimme an estimate on how many should crew a ship of this size.....then get ready to transport us aboard so we can gather data." he ordered.

Enty: "Roger that." she said.

Graf Spee: "What should we get?" she asked.

Andy: "Anything and everything." he said, "If you see documents, take 'em. Data files? Call me over and I'll download em. Just call me."

Graf Spee: "Vhat shall ve do vith it?" she asked.

Andy: "We store the data.....but we scuttle the ship, I have a feeling it's Ground 0 for something." he said.

A few seconds later the couple had been beamed into the ship as Enty aimed all her guns at the ship. As soon as they did however the ship's AI suddenly came alive.

???: "Hello!" he said, startling the couple, "My name is AIDAN, and you are trespassing on my ship."

Andy: "Of course we have an annoying C-3P0-ass bitch following us." he groaned.

AIDAN: "Well fuck you too kid." he said, "I was just trying to be nice!"

Andy: "Oh good you're not fully a bot." he said, relieved.

AIDAN: "Of course not. Now what are you doing?" he demanded, "I'm trying to set myself down on an uninhabited planet."

Andy: "Earth is a habited planet you idiot!" he yelled, "There's roughly 8 billion people on that lil blue dot of a planet! Now, seeing as your ship is currently unable to maneuver we're gonna ransack it and then scuttle it."

AIDAN: "Wha-?! You can't do that!" he exclaimed.

Graf Spee: "Ve do not have many options you know." she said, "Besides if you continue on zhis course you vill end up crashing in New York City."

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