38. Shell Shocker 1/2

Start from the beginning

"What's going on?" Heather questioned as she flew past Dagur and Sigrid, who were studying the destroyed catapults that they were supposed to take down with a glare.

Snotlout growled. "Ugh! What a rip off."

He was really excited about the plan.

"Oh," Fishlegs pouted, "looks like someone beat us to it."

"The question is, who?" Stoick's deep voice boomed his place on Skullcrusher's back.

Her father raised a good point. If they hadn't attacked the base - which they hadn't - then who did? 

Hiccup and Astrid decided to search Viggo's tent, just as they had originally planned, as Stoick and the others searched the island, hoping for answers. But they wouldn't find them, as Hiccup discovered something bigger, there in the tent; Viggo, injured and trapped in a deep hole in the ground.

Sigrid - wisely - decided to keep outside of the tent, behind the other riders, but still watching through the flowing rags with a glare. If she went in there, she couldn't promise that Viggo would make it out alive, not after everything. She hadn't forgotten about the time he'd made sure she got the Scourge of Odin, all for business.

Her father, on the other hand, was no man to just 'stand by'.

"You come after my children. You come after my home." Stoick scowled as he marched into the tent, grabbing Viggo by the throat and hoisting him into the air. "Now you get to deal with me!"

Sigrid would be lying if she said she felt bad, and so did the Berserkers at her side. Yeah, they really wanted him dead.

"Dad, wait! Revenge is not a plan, remember." Hiccup pleaded

Stoick huffed. "That was for you. For me, it goes down a treat."

"Let Viggo speak."

Sigrid felt immense disappointment as her father listened to Hiccup, releasing his grip on the grunting man's throat. 

Viggo gasped as his airways were cleared, rubbing his burning throat before speaking.

"Ryker's lost all sense of reason. He's on his own and unfortunately managed to sway the soft minds of the Dragon Hunters." He spoke. "My brother has turned them on their leader."

"And that, right there, is why I'd rather have a sister any day of the week." Tuffnut spoke, before raising his hand to Ruffnut. "Not you, obviously, but a different sis."

"Ryker's plan, as simple-minded as it is, is to wipe out the Dragon Riders and all of your allies."

Sigrid raised her brow, before whispering to Dagur "I'm not believing any of this." 

The Berserker agreed, before whispering back to ask if - granted the opportunity - she'd want to kill the Hunter together, as a couple's celebration. It was an offer that Sigrid gladly accepted. 

"Yeah, how is that different from every other bad guy we've dealt with?" Hiccup questioned. 

"And defeated! Yeah." Fishlegs cheered.

Viggo frowned.

"The difference, my dear Hiccup, is project Shell Fire." He looked towards the twins. "You two remember that, don't you?"

The second the twins startled rambling, Sigrid already wasn't listening anymore. Instead opting to press her face into Dagur's neck, trying to calm her pounding headache. The Berserker wrapped an arm around his beloved's waist, holding her close to him. He was trying really hard to hold in his anger, and Sigrid could tell.

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