The Copycat

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3rd Person Pov

The Rangers except for Javi were all sitting outside of a juice bar Ollie, Aiyon and Zayto were stuck listening to Izzy complaining about the amount of homework she had been assigned Amelia was also supposed to be listening but ended up getting distracted by Elouise whose attention hadn't moved from her phone "Who're you texting?" She cheekily asked her best friend "Just checking on someone I met when I went to meet my parents." Elouise shrugged as she typed something out "Hey Javi!" Izzy greeted her brother bringing the others attention to the boy as he joined them "How're you feeling about the Songathon, Javi?" Zayto asked Javi as he sat down next to Elouise "Pretty confident!" Javi stated as he fiddled with his guitar "Well, cos I'm singing my best song, Spotlight." He added "It's soo good!" Izzy complimented the song "It really is." Elouise agreed "Still can't believe my brother wrote it though." Izzy teased making Javi pull a face "Oh, I love that song." Ollie exclaimed before he began badly singing the song making the others cringe "Ollie, please for the love of god, stop." Elouise groaned "Please!" Izzy echoed "What?" Ollie asked "Let's just say singing isn't your thing." Amelia gently stated "But it is mine." Javi smirked "Spotlight is the perfect song for this comp. I really wanna win!" Javi admitted "That's my boy." Warden Garcia chuckled as he walked up behind his son "How you feeling?" he asked his son as he sat down "Just hoping that my practice pays off." Javi anxiously said "It's got to. But you shouldn't take anything for granted, So how about one last practice for your old man?" The warden suggested "You got it. Spotlight, comin' up!" Javi announced as he began to play his song for the group, As the song ended the seven applauded and praised Javi until Elouise's phone buzzed "It's Jane, Contest time!" She told Javi as she read the message "Yes!" Izzy cheered "Let's go!" Warden Garcia announced as the group got up.

At Buzzblast

The rangers and Warden Garcia walked into Buzzblast "All righty. Places, everyone. It's songathon time. Now give it up for your host, Jane." J-borg announced from the control booth, as Jane took her place on stage "Welcome to the annual Buzzblast Songathon, where only one talented musician will win the title of best original song. Performers will battle it out in our studio online, cos we're livestreaming around the world. Your job is to vote on the Buzzblast app and help our expert judges decide who wins." Jane explained as she guestured to the table of three judges "Now give it up for our first performer Mr Ed Jones, aka Pop-Pop." Jane called out before stepping off stage "Go, Pop-Pop! Whoo!" Amelia cheered "Let's go Pop-Pop!" Elouise added as Pop-Pop got ready to play his violin, As Pop-Pop began to perform Javi subtly nudged Elouise before leading her away from the crowd "Is everything okay?" Elouise asked as she leaned against the desk "Do you think Spotlights a good enough song to win!" He wondered "What?" Elouise stopped herself from yelling "I mean it's the first song I fully wrote on my own and I've just been thinking maybe I should just wait until next year and write something better." He admitted with a frown "Javi, the songs amazing and you're a great performer too you have absolutely nothing to worry about, You're gonna win I'm sure of it." Elouise assured him as she squeezed his hand "You think so?" Javi asked "Trust me on this." She stated as she placed a quick kiss on his lips "Looks like Pop-Pop's finished let's rejoin the others!" Elouise suggested, Javi nodded before the two made their way back to the others "Great job, Mr Jones." Jane awkwardly praised as she stepped back up to the mic stand "Buzzblasters will recognize our next contestant. Give it up for Blair Bartlett, former frontman of The Screaming Zombies." Jane introduced loudly as the blue haired singer shoved past Ollie and Aiyon to get to the stage "This fucker seriously?" Elouise complained as she glared at the man "Blair?! There's no way he's beating you Javi!" Amelia told him "And if his songwriting's anything like his personality this tune's gonna be a drag!" Izzy joked as Blair stepped up to the stage, The group watched as Blair began to sing "Hold up! Is this..." Elouise muttered as glared at the blue haired singer "Isn't that your song?" Izzy asked her brother "Stop the show." Javi yelled as he hurried up to the stage "That's my song." He announced, "What the heck is going on?" Blair asked "You're a cheat, that's what!" Izzy snapped "Now Izzy, Just relax Okay? I'll handle this professionally."  Warden Garcia stopped the teen "He stole my son's song!" Warden Garcia yelled to the judges "Judges, Please! I've been singing this song for days, all over town." Javi pleaded to the trio before turning to face Blair "You must've heard it." Javi accused him "Yeah, No! Javi's just jealous." Blair scoffed "If he's been playing it, it's cos he copied me, Ok? I wrote it." Blair lied "As if anything you could come up with would even be remotely decent" Elouise laughed "Prove it." Warden Garcia challenged Blair "You prove it." Blair echoed "There's no proof who wrote the song, so Blair can still play it." One of the judges stated "What? That's not fair!" Warden Garcia complained "Javi, We understand if you want to perform something different, so we're gonna move you into the final slot, Tomorrow." The Judge offered "Tomorrow?" Javi repeated "You want me to write a new song, a contest winning song by tomorrow? I can't do that" He complained "Oh, I agree. you could never write a contest winning song." Blair taunted"Ok, Enough!" Another judge announced as both Elouise and Izzy attempted to jump Blair "We've made our decision, so let's get back to the show." The Judge stated "Unbelievable!" Warden Garcia muttered as he led his kids back to the others.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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