Unexpected Guest

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Elouise's Pov

We were in the megazords fighting a snake sporix beast "Let's put an end to this sporix beast" Zayto advised before both megazords used their final attack "Dino fury victory" we all chorused as the snake groaned causing us to cheer and celebrate when suddenly the zords started coming apart "It's some kind of energy wave" Ollie informed us causing me to look around "It's coming from the wood" I pointed out as our megazords started to fall apart "Zords integrity failing abandon megazords" Zayto informed us forcing us to teleport out "Oh wow you weren't kidding about the integrity" Izzy exclaimed as she pointed to the zords "Uh Zayto do you want to clue us in on what happened" I asked him "Uh I don't know but if something can sabotage our megazords like that then we have a huge problem" Zayto stated before a bird started flying at him causing him to start ducking out of the way of it "What's with this bird" Zayto complained as the bird flew towards the Dino statues and transformed into a man with wild hair "Woah that's different" Amelia noted as the man started looking around before spotting us "Howdy rangers" The man greeted holding his hand up in some kind of wave as we ran over "Hi bird guy" Javi greeted a little bit confused as he shook the mans hand who then went on to shake Zayto's hand it is a huge privilege to meet you all I'm mick kanic" He Introduced himself "I think you mean a mechanic" Ollie corrected "No It's 2 words Mick kanic" He explained as Izzy went to shake his hand "Woah your hair" She exclaimed "Uh do you kids mind if I get a selfie I have got pics with over 40 rangers from all across the galaxy" Mick told us "Wait you know other rangers" Amelia  asked excitedly causing mick to nod as Zayto demorphed signaling for the rest of us to demorph which we did "Ah classic demorph I love it" Mick admitted "What are you doing here" Zayto asked "I'm following the nexus prism" He told us causing all 7 of us to look confused "Ah okay uh the nexus prism is a mystical object with a strong connection to the morphing grid it crossed several galaxies it landed somewhere near here" He explained as he began looking around "I want to know what its up to so I say we team up to find out" Mick asked us "Uh well" Amelia started only for Zayto to cut her off "Woah woah I don't know you or this nexus prism but we have urgent problems of our own so we have no time to help you"  Zayto told him rather coldly "Uh my bad I'll stay out of your hair" He told us sounding kinda upset before walking off "Right you guys search the woods and try to figure out what happened I'll talk to Solon" Zayto told us before the he teleported out "Let's go" Ollie told us before the 4 of them teleported out as soon as they were gone I decided to go after mick "Hey" I called out as I ran after him "Hey wait up I wanna help you" I told him as I slowed down to walk next to him causing him to smile "Oh I'm Elouise" I introduced myself to Mick "So where do we start?" I asked "I need a computer to use earth's database to search for the prism but I also need to be able to keep searching for it" He informed me "Well since I don't know how to search for your nexus prism I suggest you go find a computer and I'll keep searching" I told him causing him to nod "Where would I find a computer near here" He asked "In town I'll teleport you there then come back to continue the search" I stated before holding onto him before teleporting to a hidden area close to Buzz blast "Good luck" I told him before teleporting straight out and back to the woods to continue the search

Amelia's Pov

At buzzblast 30 minutes later

"Have you heard from Els" Javi asked me as we headed for buzzblast "No and I'm starting to get worried" I admitted as we walked into buzzblast "I wish we'd found something in the words if Solon can't figure this out then Zayto's stress levels are gonna go through the roof" Javi stated "I feel that I've got 5 no 6 stories to write up today not 1 sasquatch or poltergeist in 1 of them I honestly wonder how Elouise is always way ahead of her video's" I laughed as we both began working on our stories  I heard a noise causing me to look up to see the mick guy from before "Uh Mick" I asked bringing Javi's attention to the man "What are you guys doing here?" He asked us "We work here" Javi told him "Okay well I was just using Earths database's to find the prism while Elouise looks for it in the woods" Mick told us before turning back to the computer and continuing whatever he was doing "You" J-borg called out as she walked over to Mick as me and Javi headed over to them "These computers are for Buzzblast employees only come with me" J-borg told him before trying to grab him only for Mick to turn into a basketball and bouncing around the building before bouncing out the door "Come on" I called out to Javi as I headed out the door "Where'd he go?" Javi asked before we heard the sound of teleporting and people running and screaming and a sporix heading towards Mick Your coming with me either quietly or in a doggy bag "There's a sporix beast at Buzz blast" Javi spoke into his communicator then quickly shutting it off and the 2 of us charging at the sporix before stopping once we saw that Mick had turned into a remote control car and started whizzing around we heard the sound of teleporting and the others arrived obviously confused by the sight of a sporix beast chasing a toy car "What's going on?" Zayto asked me "The beast is going after that Mick guy" I explain "Him why?" Ollie asked us "I'm guessing Void knight found out about the nexus prism" Javi tried "That would explain the hengemen attacking me in the woods" Elouise muttered "So where is this Mick guy know" Izzy asked "He's a toy car now" Javi informed the group as he pointed towards said car "Run your sent will lead me right to the nexus prism" The beast laughed "So Void knight want's the nexus prism too" Zayto announced causing Elouise to mutter an I knew it as the sporix turned their attention towards us "Let's put this stray in the pound" Izzy taunted as we began our morph "it's morphing time" Zayto called out as the 6 of us got ready to morph "Dino Fury key, Activate, link to morphing grid" we chorused as the 6 of us morphed T-rex fury red ranger" Zayto announced before slashing his sabre around "Ptera fury white ranger" Elouise called out before copying Zayto's slashing movements "Tricera fury blue ranger" Ollie announced from beside Elouise before Slashing his sabre in what I know was the same type of movements as Elouise and Zayto and then I called out "Ankylo fury pink ranger" Before I did my slashing once again "Tiger fury green ranger" Izzy yelled as she too slashed her sabre around "Stego fury black ranger" Javi finished the roll call with his slashes "Dino Fury power" We all yelled as we got ready to attack "I'll show you furry power" The beast copied before charging towards us "Let's give ourselves a boost" I called out as Izzy, Elouise and myself each grabbed a boost key "Muscle Dino key ready" Izzy called out "Invisibility Dino key ready" Elouise yelled "Elasto Dino key ready" I added "Who's a good boy" Elouise started "Not him" Izzy added only for the 3 of us to get knocked back by the same energy wave that caused the megazords to fall apart which did the same thing to our boost sleeves "The howl those boost sleeves they fell apart just like our" Ollie started only for the beast to interrupt him "Just like your megazords that's because your right I'm a bad doggie now where'd that slippery shapeshifter go" the sporix asked himself as he looked around for mick who was cowering "Let's get Mick out of here" Zayto yelled as he attacked the beast giving Elouise, Izzy and myself a clear path to Mick "Hold on" I informed him before the 7 of us teleported to the base

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