New Leaf

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3rd Person Pov

At Buzzblast

The rangers were all sitting around a table at Buzzblast, Elouise was showing Aiyon a Buzzblast article about Motorcross she had written, Zayto and Izzy were talking about Izzy's new workout routine and Javi was still working on his new song each of them drinking smoothies while Ollie was sat on the other end with his laptop set up on a video call with his mum, Ollie set his own smoothie down next to the laptop "Sorry mum! it's smoothie hour here" Ollie apologised "So who'd you say was back in town?" He asked her "Oh, only your best friend" She nonchalantly revealed "You're back in Pine Ridge?" He happily asked "Oh, Ollie that is so sweet" Dr Akana laughed "But no. I meant Professor Drake Floyd." she announced "No way!" Ollie excitedly said "Mm, yeah. He called to say he's speaking at the city's Science Symposium" His mum told him "When I told him I was in Japan, he was a bit disappointed, but he'll be happy to see you!" She continued "How long's it been?" She asked "Three years? It feels like ages" Ollie tried to remember before turning to the others "Hey, anyone know where the Science Symposium is? I gotta meet a friend there." He asked the group the others thought for a few seconds "I think Amelia's doing a story on it." Javi spoke up "Yeah she had to take it on for me!" Elouise confirmed, "Right, I think she's interviewing a professor..." Javi trailed off trying to remember the name "Floyd?" Ollie suggested "Uh, yeah. I think so." Javi told him, Ollie turned back to the laptop "Great to talk, Mum. Gotta go." He hurriedly said, "Say hi to the professor from me." She told him and Ollie shut his laptop before joining the others "This dude is the coolest." He began telling the others "I took his course on quantum logic when Mum and I worked in Italy." Ollie explained, "Sounds like you're pretty tight." Aiyon noted, "Not to brag, but the professor and I were kinda like the two hydrogen atoms in a water molecule." Ollie smirked making the others look at each other "Small and... Wet?" Izzy asked Ollie laughed "No!" he said seriously "Best Buddies" He corrected her. At the same time, a man in a suit with a red bow tie entered Buzzblast "I'm here to see Amelia Jones." He said to a woman sitting behind the front desk, "Professor Floyd! Thanks for coming in." Amelia greeted him as she jogged towards him giving the man a handshake "Professor Floyd!" Ollie called out to the Professor as he ran towards the two "I'll be darned. Is that the same Ollie Akana I knew three years ago?" The Professor uttered as he spotted Ollie "Well, Half a foot taller, but it's the same brain up here." Ollie smirked, "It's nice to see you, young man." Professor Floyd politely said, "I can't believe you're here." Ollie stated "Uh, Professor, did you bring that slideshow we talked about for your presentation?" Amelia asked interrupting Ollie's moment "Sure did. Let me know if you need anything else" Professor Floyd told her as he handed her a USB "That's a unique bracelet. What kind of metal is that?" He asked Amelia as he noticed the bracelet on her wrist "Thanks. I'm not sure, But it's got magnets which balance your energy!" Amelia excitedly said Ollie scoffed at her "Balance your energy? What kind of science is that? Science fiction?" He laughed making Amelia frown "Well, I think it suits you." Professor Floyd complimented her upon seeing her frown "Thanks. Um, I'll set up your slideshow and see you back here at 4" Amelia told him trying to move on from the conversation "I look forward to it, Amelia!" Professor Floyd nodded, Amelia turned to walk away and Ollie smugly waved goodbye "I'm sorry about her. Amelia's into all kinds of unscientific baloney." He apologised to the Professor "You shouldn't dismiss ideas so quickly. You don't know everything." Professor Floyd scolded Ollie with a shake of his head "Haven't changed a bit, Have you?" He asked, "What are you talking about?" Ollie scoffed "This attitude. You think you have all the answers, so you never listen. No one likes a know-it-all." Professor Floyd revealed "What? I'm not like that!" Ollie defended, the Professor stared at him "Tell that to the students at the academy! The truth is, your attitude pushed them away. That's why you always ended up doing your experiments with me." He admitted to Ollie "What?" Ollie asked "No. People wouldn't work with me cos they were jealous of my smarts!" He firmly rejected the Professor's statement "If you say so." Professor Floyd sighed before his watch beeped "I have somewhere to be. I'm sure I'll see you around." he said as he patted Ollie's shoulder before leaving, Ollie stared at the spot Professor Floyd was before walking over to Amelia and Elouise who had joined her "Did you hear Professor Floyd just now?" he asked the two "He said I don't listen. Can you believe that?" Ollie continued before either could answer "I think you sho-" Amelia tried to say but Ollie cut her off "I'm great at listening! One time, someone dropped a pin, and I was like, What is that? I literally heard a pin drop" He stated "Cool story. I've got work to do" Amelia shrugged as she walked off "I'm great at listening!" Ollie repeated, "No you're really fucking not." Elouise harshly told him before she left to return to the others leaving Ollie alone.

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