Chapter 1: A Brewing Night

Start from the beginning

All the cookies gasped, "The Witches? But I thought we finally got away from them." Strawberry Cookie shuddered holding her lollipop tighter.

"We did. So why is this book here?" Wizard Cookie pondered, staring at giant book.

"Can you read it Wizard Cookie?" Gingerbrave asked, climbing the giant book as well.

Wizard cookie held his chin up, "I can in fact. Thanks to my knowledge in the world of magic."

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah." Chili pepper Cookie mocked, "What does it say?"

"Hmph....Like I was saying. Because of my vast knowledge. I am able to tell that this page contains spells about portals to other worlds."

"Could you perform a spell?" Gingerbrave asked, with sparkles in his eyes.

Wizard Cookie scuffed, "Are you out of your mind? Who knows what would happen if I opened a portal. I could be letting in creatures of unknown origin or we could get sucked into another world we have no knowledge of!"

Gingerbrave frowned, "Your right but it could be another world full of new and exciting adventures."

"And maybe a ton of coins." Chili Pepper cookie added.

"No. And that is final." Wizard Cookie said, crossing his arms and turning away.

Gringerbrave and Chili Pepper cookie then looked at each other before turning back to Wizard cookie and giving him the biggest puppy dog eyes they could give.

"Please!!!" They begged.

Wizard Cookie growled, "Alright. Alright. I'll just cast one spell we can look at it and then I'll immediately close it. No one is going into it! Got it."

Gingerbrave and Chili Pepper cookie sighed, "Alright."

Wizard Cookie sighed before turning over to the book. He commanded everyone to take a step back before beginning the incantation.

As he begun to recite the spell, the winds began to pick up and the clouds turned from pure white to gray. Wizard cookies eyes suddenly opened and shined a pure white. As he continued he began to levitate off the pages of the book and into the air.

Out of the blue, a dark purple and blue portal appeared above the cookies like a flying saucer and all the cookies couldn't help but be amazed.

Soon the spell was complete and the portal was opened to its fullest. As he finished the spell, Wizard cookie slowly began to descend before lying on the page of the book.

"Wizard cookie!" Strawberry cookie and Gingerbrave screamed running over to their friend.

"Are you okay?" Strawberry Cookie asked, offering a cookie hand to her friend.

"Yes. I'm fine. The spell just took a lot of mana but I'll be fine in a few moments." Wizard Cookie said, puffing after several words.

"Hey Guys? Not to ruin the moment but isn't it getting ridiculously windy?" Custard cream lll said, as the wind began to pick up speed. But in stead of moving forward or backward the wind began to move upward towards the portals entrance.

The cookies soon began to panic when they realized what was happening. The portal was causing the wind and it was sucking up anything that was below it. And unfortunately that was the cookies.

Wizard cookie, strawberry cookie and Gingerbrave held on the edge of the book.

"The portal is trying to suck us in!" Wizard Cookie screamed.

"Chili Peper cookie! Custard Cream cookie!" Gingerbrave screamed, worried for his friends who were not holding onto the book.

"Don't worry!" Chili screamed as she grabbed her dagger and stabbed it into the ground, allowing her to stay ground level.

"What about me!" Custard cream cookie screamed, as he slowly began to levitate off the ground.

"Hurry pass me your staff." Chili pepper cookie screamed as she kept one hand on her dagger.

Custard did as his friend told him to do and passed the staff over to her, with him holding one end and her holding the other.

"I gotcha." Chili pepper cookie yelled with glee. Unfortunately this moment of relief only lasted for so long before the wind began to pick up even more speed.

"Ahhhh! I'm slipping." Custard Cream cookie screamed, as the wind began to pull him away from his staff.

"Hold on!" Strawberry cookie screamed.

"No! The wind is too strong! Wizard cookie do something!" Chili pepper cookie screamed, as her grip on the staff began to loosen as well.

"I can't! The wind is too powerful!"

"Guys I can't hold on!" Custard Cream cookie cried out.

"NOOOOOOO!" All the cookies screamed as his grip and Chili pepper's grip finally gave way and Custard was sucked into the portal along with his staff.


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