After dinner, they make their way back to the car. It's calmed down somewhat and Ophelia finds they don't have to push as much because the restaurant has put up a few barricades so they stop and take pictures with some very excited fans. A group of young women are particularly loud so they catch their attention. "Ophelia! Ophelia!" they scream so Austin pushes her in their direction. "We have always been fans but this new you has us in a chokehold. You look amazing!" one woman says and the rest of them giggle and nod in agreement. "Oh thank you," she says, she wishes she could talk more to them but it's so busy and loud so she takes a few pictures with them and then lets Joe pull her away gently. "Ophelia Monroe is back," Joe whispers in her ear as she climbs into the car. "She is, and she is not taking any prisoners" she giggles back. "Nice!" Joe laughs and closes her door. Austin climbs in and then turns to her, lifting his hand to place on her knee with a grin.

"Say when, Sunshine."

Austin freezes and looks at Ophelia with big eyes and then they both turn to look in the back. Her father has his hand on her mother's knee, she is blushing and giggling as he moves it up. She only says when, when he gets all the way up to her breast. Ophelia's mouth drops open and turns back in her seat. "Bastard stole my line," Austin says with a laugh. Then places his hand on her knee, before he can say anything Ophelia takes his hand and places it on the crease of her hip. "This is your spot, you don't have to ask anymore," she says. Austin laughs and squeezes her hip gently then starts the Rolls.

Once home Ophelia makes them tea in the kitchen but her parents practically down it and then say good night and dash upstairs.

"Oh, they are fu-"

"No! Don't you dare say that! Gross!"

"What? It's natural and I think it's sweet that after years together they still get excited by each other. My parents hardly look at each other, they are miserable."

"Do you get on with your parents? Would they like to visit? They are welcome here anytime."

"Yeah, we get along. They are nice, they just stayed together for the kids though. I had a brother who died when we were teens. Ripped my mom up - she's never been the same, gone a bit loopy and I don't think my dad knows how to handle it. They love each other, easy to see, but..."

"Oh, I didn't know you had a brother who passed. Tell me about him...if you are comfortable talking about him."

Austin looks at her then cocks his head and smiles. "Sometimes I think you have a manual on me. You know exactly what to say to make me feel good - always. Most people just ask how he died and that always annoys me, like he never lived a full life, you know what I mean? But here you are asking about him and the life he led. I don't mind talking about him. He was incredible, he was my hero. His name was Red, star quarterback and a real charmer with the ladies. He was a few years older than Oliver and I, we looked up to him. He was funny and kind, and always looked out for us. This one time he let us go with him and his friends to jump off this really high bridge into a river. I got scared and chickened out. When everyone started laughing and ripping into me he stood up on the edge and then started shaking and made himself cry saying he was too scared to jump too. Everyone forgot about my cowardness and focused on him, ripping the big quarterback apart. Man, he would have loved you...he would probably have stolen you from me with one wink. You would be gone for him."

"Oh, I don't think so."

"He got sick when he turned 18 and died within six months. That fucker had the nurses eating out of his hands till his very last breath. Oliver and I used to sit for hours next to his hospital bed and even though he was in a lot of pain he would always sit up when a nurse came into his room. He would charm them into giving him extra jelly, he liked jelly. He would say he hopes there are nurses in heaven, he liked nurses in uniform even more than jelly. He had this laugh, it was so contagious, it would bounce around us like magic and then burrow into your chest and make you feel warm. That's what I like to remember when I think about him...his laugh, just the thought of it makes me smile."

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