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The following morning Ophelia slips out of one of her spare room beds and makes her way down to the room Liam, Sadie, and Java slept in. She can't sleep in her and Jim's bed knowing he slept with his girlfriend in there. She knocks lightly and when she gets no answer she knocks a little louder. She learned her lesson before - never go unannounced into a bedroom that the thrupple are in. She also can't eat canned peaches anymore and side-eyes the three of them when they visit and go into her grocery cupboard, she did not know people did that with peaches. She knocks again when she does not get an answer. "Ophelia, come in!" she hears Liam's muffled shout from the other side of the bedroom door. She opens it and goes inside but keeps her eyes closed just in case. "Relax, Ophelia, we are decent," Java says. "Ok good," she says and steps closer. All three of the thrupple gasp and then Liam's face turns red with anger. Java rubs his back to try and calm him.

"Is it that bad?" Ophelia asks touching the side of her face. She felt it when she woke up but apart from a little swelling and being sensitive to the touch she had not thought it was that bad. "Yes, it's pretty bad. It's black," Java says. Ophelia walks into their bathroom and looks in the mirror. It's ten times worse than she thought. This is bad. She does not have time to waste, she needs to meet with her PR team and get her image changed. The quicker the better then she can get Jim back. She came out of the bathroom and climbs onto the bed and settles herself between Liam and Java. "I need you to help me cover this up so I can go out in public. I have a meeting with the PR team in an hour," she says. Java inspects the bruise and nods, "I can do it. It will only last for an hour or two before it starts to rub off. But makeup will only cover the bruising, not the swelling," Java says. "We can style your hair so it's hanging over the side of your face. That way if there are any pictures that surface and questions are asked we can say it's the light and shadows from your hair," Sadie adds.

"Wonderful! Thank you so much. I will get dressed!" Ophelia giggles and bounces off the bed. She rushes into her room and starts picking out her clothing for the day. "You are very busy. It's your day off I would have thought you would have slept in or gone to an art gallery." Ophelia freezes at the sound of the voice. It belongs to her assistant and after what Jim had said about all the staff knowing about his girlfriend she does not trust any of them. She thought of letting them all go but they have families and she would feel too bad. But she needs to be careful about what she says and does around any of them. She may be timid and soft but she is not stupid. She turns around and faces her assistant, Jessica. "Hi. Well, it is my day off and I am going out with my brother. B-but if it's my day off then it's your day off...why are you here?" she asks. Jessica frowns and then leans against the large island in the middle of the closet. "That's a very forward question. It's my day off...does my boss need to know my every move...on my day off?" she asks cocking her head. She is right, Ophelia has no right to ask her what she is doing on her day off. "Sorry, I have no right to ask that. Of course, you get to do whatever you want on your day off," Ophelia answers, she feels so guilty.

"Anyway I was just looking for some...stuff, but I can't seem to find the spare key for the draws that hold Jims private things in here. I looked in the office but it does not seem to be there. You would not know where it is would you?" Jessica asks. Ophelia knows exactly where it is. She took it out of the office and hid it. But the bigger question is why Jessica wants the key and how does she know she needs the spare key? Again, she is timid, not stupid. "What do you need from there?" she asks. Jessica stands up straight and smiles at her. It looks fake. "Oh I just wanted to take some of the pieces to the jewelers to be cleaned," she says. "Well...I think Jim might have it. When he gets back I will ask him," Ophelia says. Jessica looks at Ophelia like she is trying to make sense of her words. Like she knows Jim is not coming back. But then her face breaks into a big smile and she flicks her hair over her shoulder. "Ok great! I will see you on Monday. Have a great sunshine weekend...boss," she says and then trots out of the closet. Ophelia does not trust her and she does not trust why she is trying to get into those draws. She takes the key out of the hiding place and slides it into the lock then twists it and breaks it off in the lock. She does not know why - just a gut feeling that this was the right move.

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