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Walking into the kitchen Ophelia can feel the tension. It's so tight she could cut it with a knife. Lacy has her laptop open and is sitting next to Rod. Rod has a consistent skin-melting glare on Jessica and Oliver is doing a crossword from the Sunday morning paper and sipping on a coffee like he hasn't a care in the world. Ophelia stays close to Austin but is pleased when Jessica's eyes become fixed on her and Austin's hands that are clasped together. Austin pulls out a chair and helps her up onto it then makes a show of kissing her cheek and trailing his nose down her neck as he hums with contentment. "Delicious," he whispers, but makes it loud enough for Jessica to hear. "Get a fucking room," Oliver says. Austin chuckles but does not turn away from Ophelia, instead, he leans in again and bites her neck smiling at her when she lets out a surprised squeak. "Please excuse them, ever since Austin moved in, this house has practically turned into a whore house. It takes them a few moments to settle down whenever they walk into a room," Rod says to Jessica. Austin shrugs and sits down next to Ophelia, lacing their fingers together on top of the Kitchen counter. "So what? I waited in the shadows for long enough and now that Jimbo is out of the fucking picture we can finally be public. I am going to fuck you on this kitchen island again tonight," he says stroking the countertop with his free hand as he inspects the smooth stone. "That alright with you, baby?" he asks looking up at her. Ophelia nods, she can't remember the word that would confirm that she has no problem with his suggestion - she can bearly remember her name at this point.     

"What do you mean - go public? Waiting in the shadows? What the fuck is going on here? You do know that she is married! Have you no respect for the sanctity of marriage?" Jessica shouts at Austin like he is an idiot. Austin starts laughing at her which only aids in making her face go redder and her anger rise. "You have no moral code," she shouts at Austin which only makes him laugh a little harder, Oliver joins in. Jessica looks so angry she may just pop a vain. "You are disgusting, Austin Post, the world is right about you. You are nothing but a-" Jessica starts but is cut off when Ophelia slams her hand down hard on the kitchen counter. Her hand is stinging from the impact and she wants to cry but she is so angry. How dare Jessica get all high and mighty with Austin after what she did? The whole kitchen has gone quiet and everyone is looking at her. She has her eyes trained on Jessica. Jessica is a pretty girl but nothing to write home about. Actually, she is what could be described as a plain Jane. Jim called Ophelia boring and plain but now looking at Jessica she is everything Jim said Ophelia was. Jessica had settled when she became an assistant. She had wanted to be an actress but did not have the looks or talent to get anywhere, at least that is what the countless talent agents and directors had said that had hardly looked at her. They had only responded to her out of respect for Ophelia.

But now looking at her under the harsh kitchen lights Ophelia can see what's left of her beauty start to fade the more her nasty personality is revealed. "I trusted you. I even considered you my friend but you were and are nothing more than a snake. You deserve deserve each other,"  Ophelia says. Jessica looks at Ophelia with a shocked face that slowly turns into a nasty twisted smirk. "You are so dumb. We did all this right under your nose and you paid for everything. Our house, my car, my engagement ring, and even our wedding and honeymoon. As soon as the divorce goes through we will move back into this house and enjoy what we both worked so very hard for. But I am not cruel...I care so you are still invited to the wedding," Jessica says. The doorbell goes off and Rod jumps up. "Oh perfect timing," she says then rushes out. Ophelia shares a confused look with Austin and then they both turn to Oliver who is snickering. "Fucking hell, if I could marry that woman twice I fucking would. I swear," he says. Rod appears with two policemen and a man in a suit. "Miss Monroe, I am Detective Aderson, is this your signature?" he asks showing her a deed to a house she does not know of. "No," she says inspecting the signature. "Thank you," Detective Anderson says then turns to Jessica, "Jessica Phelps. You are under arrest for fraud and impersonating Ophelia Monroe," Detective Anderson indicates to the two policemen and they step forward, placing her in handcuffs. Jessica is hysterical, she is crying and screaming but Ophelia does not hear what she is saying because she is talking too fast and Ophelia is too focused on the paperwork in front of her.

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