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Hello everyone I know this is more than likely unexpected but I wanted to ask all of you readers who actually enjoyed this story a question.

As you know I discontinued this story because I simply had writers block. I'm not one of those writers that don't update for months and years.

I like to update as much as possible because I know how frustrating it can be for readers to binge a story just to end up finding out there hasn't been an update in months and even years.

I decided that if you guys want I can try and make a rewrite of this story. To be completely honest it might just be one love interest instead of multiple.

I'm not exactly sure who the love interest will be but I felt like having Illumi, Kurapika, and the troupe like originally planned is too much.

I'm all for polys when it's with my favorite characters but they can become too much.

If you want a rewrite the let me know and choose the love interest.

I just want to make it clear that Hisoka, Gon, Killua, Leorio, Meruem, Uvo, Kite, Nobunaga, or basically any irrelevant characters/side characters are not choices.

The decision I make is based on what you guys choose. If I rewrite it it'll be similar but different.

Choose wisely, bye !

Kamiko Saitō (HxH x OC) Discontinued Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz