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Hey everyone Kam here so I'm just going to come right out and say I've decided to discontinue this book

I started this in the beginning randomly because it was requested by some people on my yn videos on TikTok but I haven't updated it since April

To be quite honest this story is all over the place anyways and since my last update I've created multiple different stories

One of those stories are almost completed and it'll have a book two

This story seemed to be funny in the beginning but over the time I continued writing it I realized there honestly isn't really a plot it was more just me writing random stuff

Sure it followed the storyline in the beginning but it doesn't anymore

I try to update most of my stories daily but the only constant ones lately have been my twilight and Haikyuu one

So I may possibly rewrite this one completely and actually have a plot or I may not

You can just read my other stories instead they're all from different universes

Anyways I'm not going to delete this story although I probably might as well but oh well

Nice seeing you guys again wish I could've stayed for more

This is Kam singing out 😉

Kamiko Saitō (HxH x OC) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now