Prologue: Peeling Packing Tape

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"Is that the last of the boxes?" A man dressed in a navy polo with matching pants stood in a doorway to a mostly empty home. He wore a company logo on his left breast.

"I believe so," responded a middle aged man with well-worn wrinkles of past stresses.

The moving man tipped his baseball cap with a smile. "Alrighty then. You folks enjoy your home. Pleasure helping you all." He hopped in a large truck and said something to another man dressed like him who was in the driver's seat. They waved and backed out of the driveway.

The family of five waved back with gratitude. Among them was the middle aged man: the father. His name is Alfon. The eldest child stood close to him, and though he was waving too, he wore a more serious face. His name is Mido. On the other side of Alfon was the middle child. He is Link. Next to him is the youngest brother, named Colin, and in front of Link and Colin stood the youngest and only girl, Aryll. Their mother had passed years ago, and only Mido and Link remembered her. Her name was Thalia.

Soon after the truck left, the family ventured inside their new home to start a new task: unpacking, of which their was much to do.


(A/N): As you can see, I have definitely rearranged some characters. If you're confused, just remember that this is in an alternate universe loll

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