Samurai Training

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      Somewhere in Japan, samurai were training hard just in case any invaders enter the country that wanted to start a war. The samurai trained long and hard everyday just in case they had to go to battle.
     The samurai master Yo-ka was looking out at his samurai with a smile on his face. He was rather pleased with the samurai's progress over the years.
    As he was about to turn to go back into the dojo, the gates of the samurai palace opened and one of Yo-Ka's messengers came up the steps of the dojo, "Yo-ka we have a new samurai in need of training, his name is Kei."
     Yo-ka looked at his messenger, "Bring him to me." The messenger nodded and ran off to get the new samurai. Yo-ka waited about five minutes until a young man with blonde hair came in looking rather worried.
   "You must be Kei, don't worry you will fine here , we will train you to be a true samurai."
   Yo-ka called out to his messenger again, "Get Kei settled in and get him some samurai gear, so he can start training with the others." The messenger nodded again and led Kei to his quarters to get settled in.
     As Kei settled into his quarters, Yo-ka's messenger went to get some samurai gear for him along with his katana sword. While the messenger was out gathering the samurai gear, Kei stepped outside his quarters and looked down onto the training grounds of the other samurai.
    He started to think to himself about the decision he made to become a true samurai. Was this a mistake? Or was the right thing for him to do for his country to stay safe? Well it was too late to turn back now. He was already in the hands of the dojo master Yo-ka and he already made an oath to protect his country from harm.
    A while later the messenger came back with his samurai gear and katana. He helped Kei to get into his gear. He then handed Kei his katana and led him down to the samurai training grounds where he was greeted by the other samurai in training.
    Yo-ka stepped down from the dojo steps to talk with the other samurai warriors, "This is Kei , the new samurai of the dojo, please make him feel welcome at our dojo as he trains hard to fight any enemy that dares enter our country armed."
     The rest of the samurai then started showing Kei around the training grounds. There where warriors  fighting dummies and balancing on poles in the middle of a river while holding weights on their shoulders. Even some were fighting either with their katanas on one side of the grounds.
    Yo-ka then came over to Kei, "The first thing you need to learn as a samurai is balance." He walked Kei over to the poles in the middle of the river in the dojo. He handed Kei a bamboo pole with weights on both sides, " You have to learn to balance to become a true samurai, cross the poles to the other side without landing in the water."
    Kei looked at the poles in worry and slowly nodded and hopped on the first pole and tried to focus on his balance. One of the samurai started to laugh as Kei's legs started to shake. Kei hopped onto the second pole and for a bit had perfect balance, but moments later he lost his balance and fell hard into the water below him.
    The mean samurai kicked some rocks into the river towards Kei, " You will never become a true samurai Kei, you are such a loser." The mean samurai warrior then walked with the other samurai towards the kitchen to get ready for supper.
    Yo-ka helped Kei out of the water, "You have to learn to focus on your balance Kei, that is the only way to learn the next step to becoming a true samurai warrior." Kei nodded and they both got up to head to supper.
     The kitchen smelled so good once they entered the building. There was many choices of food that night Kei didn't know where to start. He went slowly towards the Japanese rice and veggies with tofu, then grabbed his plate and went to sit down at his table.
    As he was eating, the mean samurai warrior from earlier came over to him again, " Hey Kei, are you going to eat that?" He grabbed Kei's rice and then without warning dumps the whole bowl of rice all over Kei's head of hair.
     The other samurai started to laugh as Kei got up and ran back to his quarters. He started to cry as he slammed his door shut. How could the other samurai be so rude to him? What has he ever done to deserve such hate on his first day as a samurai? Just then Yo-ka came in, "Kei, is everything okay?"
    Kei looked at Yo-ka with tears in his eyes, "Why did that samurai have to make fun of me in front of everyone?" Yo-ka sat next to Kei, "That is Goga he thinks he is the toughest samurai in Japan, but truth is Kei he is not a very smart samurai, in fact one day I have a feeling you will surpass him to the be the next samurai master Kei."
   Kei looked at Yo-ka confused, " How do you know that master?" Yo-ka smiled at Kei, "The moment you stepped into my dojo, I knew that you where destined for greatness Kei, you are smart and willing to take chances to become a true samurai warrior. "
    Yo-ka went back to the door and opened it, "Better get some rest for tomorrow Kei, more samurai training begins for you my friend." With this Yo-ka stepped out turning off the lights to Kei's quarters. Kei then slowly got himself in bed and went to sleep before training the next day.

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