Chapter Three: A Hero's Call: The Rise Of The Underground Hunters

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"Augh......" Miles woke up in Connor's spare room: met by his sons who welcomed their father with hugs and thankfulness that their father was okay: "Ho-Ho-Ho! My Boys!" Miles hugged them: "I was so worried about you guys!"

"We were worried about you too papa!"

"We thought you were dead, papa!" Alex started crying: "I wanted to help you papa!"

"I know Son." Miles ruffled Alex's hair: "But you and Malachi aren't old enough to run hands with these kinds of women. In all honesty, I have never seen these kinds of women before. But their names sounded familiar."

"They should." Connor approached Miles: "They're the names of the fictional alien humanoids from the Sekirei series. The series debuted back in 2008 and became a dvd set in 2009. It never made it to season 3 but the manga lived on." Connor tosses Miles the Sekirei Manga: "Yashima? Sekirei 84? Does that ring a bell?"

"Yeah." Miles sat up: ignoring the pain his body was in: "That's the woman who slapped me around with that warhammer of hers."

"She's a villain." Connor told Miles: "Most of them are."

"Hold on...So what about the main characters? Minato? Musubi? Tsukiumi? Kazehana? What happened to them?"

"I don't know." Connor replied: "All I know is that somehow Yashima and the other Sekirei found a way into our dimension. And they're not the only ones. Before I continue: I just wanted to let you know: you've been unconscious for three days."

"That's not bad. I could have been unconscious for a month. That has happened before." Miles chuckles

"I wish this was a laughing matter: but it's not little brother. Over the past three days the 25% of men have dialed down. 7.5% of men have vanished into thin air. 7.5% have turned into vampires. 5% have been abducted by female humanoid dragons-and yes-they're real. 2.5% have been attacked by orcs. And then the last 2.5 percent....They've been attacked by anime women. Oshua: my best friend: he was attacked by team RWBY. All of them and the other cast members of that ungodly show are after him and a few others."

"So what do we do then? How can we-Augh!-How can we help them out? What about the 40%? The ones that have either the artificial womb for reproduction or the robo-waifus? What about them?"

"They're not the target. The top value men aren't the target. We are. The bottom of the barrel. Which: that alone should tell you: what we're dealing with."

Miles snarled: "What's changed?"

"Not much." Connor replied: "But everyone's brought back together because of this."

"Everyone? Do you mean....Our brothers?" Miles asked: "Carter and Mattheo? I haven't seen them in years."

"They were worried about you. Even they thought you weren't going to make it."

"What about you?"

"....You were always the greatest out of all of us: I knew you pulled through."

Miles smiled: slowly standing to his feet: "Ok. Whatever needs to be done to get them out of our dimension, I'm all ears."

"We won't be doing anything: you need more time to recover: another two days and you should be at 1000%: Where you stand right now: you're asking to be one of those leftover fictional chick's breeding cows."


"Two more days....Trust me....You won't be missing out on anything important." Connor told Miles

"Fine." Miles replied: looking down at his boys: "Thank God you two are okay." He stooped to their level and hugged his sons again.


"Ok, So we know that Moka Akashiya is leading the female vamps to turn 7.5% of men into vampires."

"While the little witch academia girls used their magic to lead the other 7.5% of men into their dimension: while at the same time: keeping us out."

"So all that's left is the 10%: and even they're getting molly-wapped by what's going on." The talk between three men hidden in the sewers of Opal City had united during the three day invasion of the Isekai and Anime women: Wolf Bat: Moon Spider: and their leader: Leonardo Todd: the invincible Shadow Turtle. Together: they did what they could to save the men that wanted to be saved: the others were a lost cause due to magic spells: voodoo: a woman's touch: etc. "The odds are not looking good in this situation. And who's to say the hybrid male children are safe with these women lurking around?"

"Then we need to split up. We have seven continents to cover." Shadow Turtle told his crew: "And our enemies are growing: it won't be long before there aren't any men left that'll have the desire to chase their dreams and aspirations."

"I'll take Europe and Asia." Moon Spider told Shadow Turtle

"I'll take South America and North America." Said Wolf Bat

"Then that leaves me with the final three." Shadow turtle replied: "Ok. Everyone has their bags filled with the tools needed for this mission?"


"Now listen: I can't promise you guys a drive back home. But know that no matter what happens: Our deaths will not be in vain. Our legacies will spark more like us: to rise up and overthrow those that desire to use them and not provide for them the love they claim they have."

"We're not looking for rides home: Shadow Turtle." Wolf Bat replied: "We're ready to die on behalf of the men that can achieve greatness." Moon Spider nods

"Ok." Shadow Turtle replied: "Lets move out!"




"Isn't it interesting....To watch the survivors come together: hoping to stand in the way of the goal that all have in common. They say that a woman's mind is a hive mind: All think the same goal and intentions. In this case: we all have escaped our fictional realities because we were denied what we deserved....What we needed. And now....We have been given a second take what is ours. Of course: it will come with a war between us women. But that's fine. I never enjoyed playing with others anyway. So Kuyuma: Queen of the Dragonoids: Your horde:  The Vampires: The Orcs: The Sekirei: The huntresses: The witches: Have your fun while you can: Because none of you cannot hold a candle to what me and my female allies are capable of......."


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