Author log №1

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Hello, guys! I didn't think I would make author log, but here we are. So, I need to make a few announcements about this fanfic for people, who still read and like this story.

No, this fanfic isn't discontinued and I didn't forget. I'm still going to make updates. I have 3 reasons why updates take so long. First, these past months were very eventful for me and as a result a lack of time. The second reason is my laziness. Yeah, I'm admitting this fact, but I don't want through forcing myself write something. The last reason is my attempts to write more long chapters, so I trying to write more than 2k words in one chapter (yeah, I'm failing to do this now, so I write at least 2k words chapters).

Next, I checked my story for grammar mistakes and misspelling... OK, it was stupid to write most of text half asleep and didn't even check it after. It was embarrassing, so I updated them and it will be less painful to read from now.

The last thing is an information for the next chapter. If we look into LN, we can see the nest part is about how Ayanokouji's class was preparing to upcoming Sport Festival. But my fanfic has a main focus not only on Class D, but also on Class C. So, the next chapter will tell about Ryuuen's actions before events on Sport Festival: Kushida betrayal, plan of targeting Horikita and Sudou, deal with Kinoshita and etc. I already have a picture how I should write that. It will be from Ryuuen POV, so I hope I won't write him out of characters.

It's all I wanted to tell you, so stay on tune guys. Oh, and what do you think about new leaked illustration? Possible NTR in future 👀? See you next time!

 Oh, and what do you think about new leaked illustration? Possible NTR in future 👀? See you next time!

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.
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