Сh.4 Aftermath the zodiac battle (Vol.4)

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POV Ayanokouji Kiyotaka

I arrived at the ship's office and sat down at the table. It was pretty empty because a lot of people hadn't finished the exam yet. So I decided to order some iced tea and wait for Horikita after her meeting.

Some time later, she arrived at the desk and sat down in front of me.

Horikita: As always, you are alone. You look so pitiful that I even feel sorry for you.

Ayanokouji: Good evening to you too, Horikita. I'm just tired, that's all. A lot has happened today. How did your group meeting go?

Horikita: *Sigh* Yeah, I agree with you. It's a tiring exam. To my surprise, Class C didn't attend the last meeting with Class A. It's hard to say what's going on in Ryuuen's head. But I can tell that he is planning something. What about you? What was the announcement about the end of your group?

Ayanokouji: It was an interesting meeting. First, Class B proposed the idea of revealing your roles. Then it turns out that Karuizawa is the third VIP of our class. And in the desert, no one in the Rabbit group knows who the traitor is because all our phones were on the table.

Horikita: Karuizawa is our third VIP? Well, it's unexpected. Even more shocking is the news of a traitor in your group. I hope at least we won't lose all the class points we earned in the last exam.

"We", huh? I almost laughed at that statement. It's a good joke for someone who knows the truth. Anyway, we chatted a bit before Hirata and Karuizawa came over to us.

Hirata: Hello, Ayanokouji-kun and Horikita-san. Do you mind if we sit here with you two?

Horikita: Hello, Hirata-kun. No, you can sit with us. We're not waiting for anyone anyway.

Hirata: Well, if you forgive us.

You sat down with us. I can say that the atmosphere was a bit awkward. Karuizawa tried to hold back her displeasure. The key word is tried.

Karuizawa: Ughhhh! I hate this exam so much! Why did this happen to me? It's so unfair!

Hirata: Well, it's not like you could do anything about it. It is a surprise for all of us here.

Karuizawa: If I hadn't shown my phone to everyone in the room, this wouldn't have happened. Why didn't you help me, you gloomy bastard?

Ayanokouji: What do you mean by that?

Karuizawa: That's exactly what I said. Why did you just agree to Ichinose's plan? If it's not for you, we'll save my private points in our group!

Ayanokouji: You've always told me that you're not a VIP, so I thought Ichinose's plan would be a good way to earn points. Especially since VIP isn't in our class, it sounds like one of the best solutions.

Karuizawa: You...!

Horikita: Karuizawa-san, I suggest you keep quiet right now. Ayanokouji-kun didn't say anything wrong. You decided not to tell your classmates about your role. It means that you are taking this test alone. So you shouldn't blame your classmates for your own incompetence.

Karuizawa: But-!

Hirata: Karuizawa, I agree with Horikita-san. There is no point in discussing this now.

Karuizawa: Ugh! Fine!

Seeing that no one supported her, she followed their words. If she was alone here, she could try to blame me, Yukimura and Sotomura for this loss. But the problem is, no matter how you look at it, Karuizawa is the only one to blame.

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