Ch.3 Time bomb (Vol.4)

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POV Ayanokouji Kiyotaka

Ichinose: Well, guys, it's our last meeting and time before the end of the exam. So I am willing to let the Rabbit Group achieve the first result.

Yukimura: I think everyone in this room wants to reach the first result. But how do you plan to find the VIP in our group?

Yukimura decided to ask an important question. Well, it was understandable because the first result was like the perfect steak. We all want to try it, but only one person has it, and we don't know who. The problem was also that Class A didn't participate in the discussions, so if their class has the VIP, then it will be a big problem for the rest of us.

Ichinose: Don't worry. Hamaguchi-kun has already come up with a perfect plan. Hamaguchi-kun, could you please tell them your plan?

Hamaguchi: Yes, thank you Ichinose. I can't say that this plan is something extraordinary, because it's actually very simple. But it will help us find out who isn't the VIP and shorten the list of suspects.

Ibuki: So what is it?

Ichinose: We just need to show each other our messages to prove your words.

Well, it was exactly the plan that was supposed to win our VIP in this group. But at that moment it became useless because of a sudden change. So I could say that I didn't care if someone tried to use that plan. But I was prepared for it. Everyone from the other classes was shocked by this proposal. Expect me, who didn't change my face a bit, and Manabe, who looked more amused than shocked.

Karuizawa: What? That's the stupid plan. Why should we do that?

The first to raise her voice was Karuizawa. But I doubted that she didn't understand how effective this strategy was. The reason was that she was the VIP in our group. She also wanted to get the first result, but she didn't trust the people in her group, especially Manabe and her friends. She understood that Manabe might try to take revenge on her. So the only choice she had was to protest against this strategy. But...

Ichinose: I don't think this plan is stupid. Because we can reduce the number of candidates for the VIP role and even find out the most possible class that has that person. Don't you agree?

Karuizawa: That... I think you are right. Sorry for accusing you.

I saw Manabe flinch a little after I said that.

Ichinose: Don't worry, we're not angry or anything. We understand why you think that way. So, our class is willing to work together for the result of the beat. We will start by showing our intention.

Then they put out their mobile phones with messages from the school. It was clear to everyone here that Class B didn't have a VIP in this group. I understood that too, after all Ichinose's class wouldn't use underhand tactics. The mindset of these people wouldn't allow them to do something like that. And even if they tried, it would be useless. I already knew the VIP of our group. After a few minutes of silence, I decided to play along with them.

Ayanokouji: You know? I accept this plan. It's not like I've lost anything from it. Here. I'm not the VIP, as you can see.

I showed the message on my phone to prove my words. It was an important move I made. Why, you may ask? Well, humans are simple creatures - we are afraid to take action towards something new and unexpected. We can't fully trust others in such a situation, especially when we're fighting for our classes. As a result, we would rather play the save game and ignore the other class's plan than agree to it. But it's not the same for everyone. Take this situation, for example: I decided to agree with Ichinose's tactics and followed them. Most of the time in a group, the person who decided to agree with such a plan could be found. But the current reason might be different. Someone close to Ichinose will follow because that person trusts her enough. Others will do so because of their naive view of the world. And people like me, who will analyse the plan logically and be ready for something new.

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