Lone Dreamers

52 21 24

The inertia of my bruises deludes me.

How strongly illusive and transcendent,

that the rust memories on the grey walls

never scream anymore.

The dark stains on my shirt's sleeves

are the savage songs of a hundred waves

crashing upon my cracked lips —

Like salty blood on low burns.

An absurd shade of grey and blue spills

from the smoke of his cigar;

My dreams are bare-faced, slicked with the summer moon.

They die after the meteorites in auric red and rise again

in the haphazard flow of plastic words.

I scream hard this time,

Too hard for the sky to glow,

Too hard for the sun to rage —

Too hard for everything that was raw grey but never blue.

Poetry dies at the cold car door.

The seat's cold, too cold for me to settle in.

He drives out of the town, saying those memories will go away.

Too sad he doesn't even know

that they always hide under my sleeves.

Too bad he doesn't know I like

slow dancing with ravening pain even when I don't wish to.

The weight of my dreams is too heavy to make me

feel like a dying feather in the flawed songs.

But I do when he's around.

The city runs with flaws tattoed

beneath its bare feet — how nippy it's outside.

The light from a solitary tune protrudes

from the cracks of my heart, 

stirring low with the autumn leaves and picture-perfect scars.

He takes my hand in his; how warm they feel, oh.

Like a summer stain on a wine-red evening,

A lone bird left in the last ash tree.

It's freezing outside, he says, after a long time.

I lean closer; it's not cold when warm lips

as forgiving as his touch mine.

A bittersweet dream never gets remade

in this synthetic world—him.

My lungs fail with retiring hope,

My hands numb in the burning cold,

My lips shiver in the raw sync of everything —

My heart never does.

How still it is, like a tree shadow on stagnant seawater.

The flaws grow under the stormy blues and raw greys.

He throws away his cigarette, yet something lingers in the air.

A familiar pang of 'remember me' through the air.

Poetry grows from the rotten earth —

damp in blooming roses, dark in desire.

The violet rain cuts through the void world

as we stand still, holding hands.

For we were the lone dreams of a solitary star

That used to shine every time a storm passed.

For we were the savage echoes of inevitable memories

Stained on our clothes like birthmarks.

For we were the infinite spaces between puzzled words

Driving insane in tequila thoughts.

For we were the people we wished we never were

When time's running slow with the sun.

Too slow for them to see, too fast for us to watch.

We are doomed to the blissful tragedy

of 'never looking back' because 

we've learned to wait in our hurries

and sing another song for the lifeless waves.

The only thing we know we could never do,

is whitewashing ourselves with happiness.

For happiness never ends happily

even if you paint histories with stormy blues and raw greys.


A/N: Ohh, it's going to be hard for them. A quick, encouraging vote for them to stand against everything?

the slow art of breathing bitterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz