Chapter 7: Stubborn

Start from the beginning

At this point, she's too drained to be polite. Her mind and body are exhausted – more exhausted than it feels like they should be. Again, she wonders if it's on account of the elixir, but slowly that assumption starts to shift to suspicion.

Mog balks and shakes her head. "Look, I'm sorry. I promise I'm really trying here..." she snaps her fingers. "If you're getting tired, I think I have a stamina elixir here somewhere!" she starts reaching for her bag, when Reela growls.

"No more elixirs! Where is this fucking town?!" she shouts, which causes her head to spin and she momentarily off-sets her balance. She stumbles a bit to the side and manages to catch herself on a tree and hold her head to try and pull herself together, but the dizziness persists.

Mog takes a step towards her and her brows furrow. "Uh... Are you okay, Reela?"

"I'm fine..." Reela mutters, but stops herself as she slowly lowers her hand to stare at Mog. The orc is watching her with only a hint of concern in her eyes. But mostly curiosity. "...I never told you my name."

Mog stares at her with blank eyes. "Oh," she chuckles nervously. "Right."

Reela reaches for her boot knife, when Mog rushes over with her hands out defensively. "Okay okay, look. Please don't kill me. I promise this isn't what it looks like!"

"Really? Because it looks like you've been trying to tire me out," Reela growls and draws her knife. Not that she knows what she's going to do with it. Her head is still spinning and she can tell that if she lets go of the tree, she's going to fall over. But she guesses it's better to have it just in case.

Mog winces with a sheepish shrug. "Well... Not exactly," she says. "Mostly I was just waiting for it to be night."

Reela tries pushing herself to stand up a bit straighter without lowering her hand from the tree. She has to shake her head again to keep herself focused as her mind is swiveling. At this point, she thinks it's safe to assume something was definitely wrong with that 'healing' elixir.

"Why?" she demands.

Mog chuckles anxiously. "...Because night is when werewolves come out?"

Reela tilts her head in question, but before she's able to process what she said, she's knocked to the ground from behind. She lands on her stomach with a grunt and she tries to turn herself over to see with the fuck is happening, but a massive hand is pushing down on her back to keep her pinned.

She can feel the claws threatening to pierce her skin through her dress, which makes her try to keep still. Though, that isn't hard as she hears the low rumbling growl and feels the hot breath that reeks of fish for some reason breathe down her neck. The fear alone is what gets her to freeze in place.

Ohhh. She said werewolves. Now she gets it.

She wants to fight back against the beast holding her down, but even she has enough sense to know that would be fucking stupid. All she can manage to do is crane her neck back just enough to see over her shoulder is the beast's face, which is a mistake because now she's pretty sure that when she inevitably passes out, she's going to have nightmares about this thing's chilling blue eyes.

Reela turns her attention away from the scowling beast when Mog clears her throat. "Yeah... Um... Sorry about this," the orc says and Reela watches her slowly approach with her axe in her hand. "Really, it's—It's not personal or anything, just..." she nervously chuckles with another shrug. "It's a living."

Reela growls up at her and tries to move her arm with her knife, but a second mottled hand covered in black fur pins her wrist to the ground with another low growl.

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