JJ opened his mouth in order to continue his teasing. Only for Pope to cut in. Pacing his way back across the tiled floor.
"Where the hell is John b?" He stressed.

"Seriously though, no one has heard from him since yesterday?" Sae questioned. Looking between the small group.

Kiara shook her head, a frown forming. Pope flung his arms dramatically, his hands slapping against his legs. He began to pace the floor again.

"Pope just relax man, he'll be here." JJ assured. Although as the morning continued, he began to have his own reserves.

The bell above the door chimed. Coaxing the group of teens to turn towards the entering figures. Everyone straightening to attention once realizing who was accompanying Bobby Heyward.

Sae focused onto the mustached man, It was officer Shoupe?

"I have an arrest warrant for felony destruction of property. Keep your hands on the counter where I can see them" he spoke with authority. Cutting straight to the chase.

Kiara's hands shot up in defense. Giving a worried look to her friends. Sae didn't move from her position. Her arms remaining at her sides. Her eyes trained onto the man intently. Although her heart had accelerated in her chest.
JJ & Pope joined Kiara in her actions. Both their arms raised in the air.

Bobby Heyward stepped forward, looking between the teens & the police man. Watching as he moved directly for his Son.

"Shoupe, what'd he do?" Bobby questioned. Although with the man's  gruff voice it seemed more like a demand.

"Take a look at the warrant." Was all Shoupe offered. Unfolding the paper he held, and giving it to the man.

Pope stood, wide eyed, shock evident on his features. His whole world was blank. Even with Kiara, and JJ arguing in the background. He couldn't focus enough to know what they'd been saying. His ears ringing, as Shoupe moved behind him. Clasping the pair of handcuffs around his wrists.

Oh no
Sae though to herself, knowing this had to be about Toppers boat. Had Topper honestly gone to the cops!? As if last night hadn't been enough?

"You can't just arrest him!" Sae cried out. Already moving to follow the officer, as he pushed the boy outside.

Everyone was arguing, too many voices joined together. It was loud, and nothing was making sense. Stress & anxiety filling the air between the teenagers. Kiara & Sae were stood together, joined in their efforts to stop Shoupe.

JJ had paused by the door. His blue eyes darting amongst the small crowd. Between the yelling, and Popes horrified expression. JJ's mind was moving a mile a minute. His heart racing against his chest.

Pope didn't deserve to go down. He had everything going for him. He was just sticking up for himself, like JJ had always encouraged him to.

No, JJ wouldn't let this happen, not to Pope.

"It wasn't him!"

Everyone was silent, all eyes snapping to JJ. As he stepped forwards, casual as ever.
"It was me."

Sae's eyes widened, already knowing where he was taking this. She couldn't imagine this route would be any less harrowing...

"He tried to talk me out of it, but I was mad 'cause he'd just been beaten up. I'm so sick of those assholes from figure eight, that I lost my shit. I can't let you take the blame for something I did. You got too much to loose." JJ continued.

"JJ, what are you doing?" Pope uttered. His shock only heightening at his friends antics. Pope knew how this could go for JJ, and he didn't want that for him.

You Not Me///JJMaybankXFemaleOCWhere stories live. Discover now